Friday, September 11, 2020

Plantain Dehydrated and other randomness

It's been on the cold side here.  We will be a high of 69°F today.

Due to some last minute business I had to do in the afternoon yesterday, I could not can with tomatoes as planned.  I instead took a slower day and tackled other jobs.  I folded neglected towels, washed bedding, made homemade laundry detergent, refilled our homemade foaming hand soap and other stuff.

I went out and picked some plantain and dried it in the dehydrator.  It wasn't as much as I wanted, but it's been slim pickings with the drought.  The recent rain brought some up, and I wanted it done before the mowing resumed and colder weather gets here.  I will be infusing a plantain oil, which I will use later this winter to make a salve.

I got all those bell peppers put up.  I'll be picking a few more to try a new recipe I found.  Hopefully, I will have time one of these days to do it.

I haven't had time (or the space, with all the tomatoes in the kitchen) to make a good breakfast.  I am only getting small eggs, so I just tossed some veggies, herbs, etc. into a small baking pan.

How is everyone doing?  Well I hope.  The Governor is now doing covid testing on sewage in nearby towns and cities.  He also signed an order for setting up Fema camps (that part is true, as I read it).  There is talk that they are pushing kids to take extra supplies (emergency) to school, so if they get sick they can ship the kids off to these camps and take them away from the parents.  Not sure if that is true or not.  The college students are back.  Cases are rising with off campus students.  They are talking about another outbreak.  Now they are randomly testing students, so the testing just keeps going and going.  Also, if you have a procedure at the hospital, they test you before that as well.  Again, more testing.  Just a very scary world right now.

I have been talking to my husband about selling the house and moving.  We decided it was not a good idea right now.  Houses are selling like hot cakes right now in our area, however the buyers are paying higher than asking price to get a house.  There is a housing shortage, and even if we found one, we'd be paying a premium for it.  We also talked about the fact we have a septic and well, and with the way things are going, it'd be safer where we are.  Not sure what project we'll start first, but I have 3 on the "first list."  

Meanwhile, we are busy with the garden, and then there is wood to cut.  Mostly trying to stay home, but I do want to go camping before the season ends.


  1. I have learned to NOT believe everything I hear or read about.
    Keep both feet on the ground and stay close to nature.

    Camping would be a nice thing to do. Hope the weather is still good enough for it.



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