Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Garden Goodness

Eggs are rolling in good.  Fixing the sides of the coop so I don't have to crawl in there is on top of the list.

Ka-Bam!  41# of paste tomatoes, brought in a few big boy type, cherry tomatoes, some zucchini, 1# hot banana peppers, #3 of jalapenos, and 24 bell peppers.   The jalapenos were canned yesterday, but today I tackle some of the tomatoes.  

I was lacking time for laundry, but managed to get a pork loin (not my favorite, need to re-stock roasts) in the crock pot.

I sliced the zucchini and baked them with herbs and parm cheese.  I totally forgot to take a photo.  I was just plum tired. 


  1. My daughter has been making a lot of pasta sauce and salsa out of her tomatoes. She has been canning most days that I have talked with her the last few weeks. I made some orange jelly the other day and must say that for my first attempt, I did not do too bad!

  2. Carol, that's awesome. I keep telling my husband to not plan anything because I'm smack dab in major canning and he has already messed up one day this week. Sigh. I told him again, don't ask me to be somewhere else. I gotta get the tomatoes canned. Not to mention the deal with the peppers and other stuff.


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