Friday, August 21, 2020

Random Tidbits

Photos of the sky before the sunrise this morning.

Well, we are not camping tonight.  Not at all this weekend.  I had to cancel.  We decided that the return of the awful heat would make us miserable.  We cook all meals over a campfire, and it would awful to do in 89-90 degree weather.

Yeah, I am bummed.  I was looking forward to unplugging and it won't happen.  Not anyone's fault but the weatherman.  The weather up until now was absolute perfect camping weather.

I got my dentist visit done.  So, first I went and got my crown glued back on, second, I went back the next day for a cleaning, so that's done before winter.  All the hoop-la they say about going to the dentist on social media is false.  I just had to wear a mask until they worked on me and wear it out.  That's it.  Other than they don't rinse as much due to the splatter of water, but they have face shields on etc.  Such a different world right now.  I took my crochet work with me, and finished another jar opener.  Then I drove over to my younger brother's house where Mom was babysitting the grandkids.  I gave them 3 cucumbers.  Apparently, my niece and nephew LOVE cucumbers.

On a good note, our youngest has an interview today with a different salon.  I think she is looking forward to it and she will be able to actually cut hair if she is hired.

The garden has been so-so.  The yellow squash is finally coming on, but plants are small.  The tomatoes are turning red, but the leaves are already turning brown. 

As for flowers, the zinnias haven't even bloomed and it's the end of August.  Despite watering, it's been a rough year.

I'm not sure if I will can pickles this year.  We don't really eat them that often (sliced pickles).

The chickens are doing well in the new coop, and no one has flown the coop since the last incident.  No raccoon sightings either.

There has been discussion about the new engine for my car.  It's been a slow process, but nothing is cheap.

I hope your weekend unplugs you somehow.  I will have to find another way now.


  1. What a sunrise! Perhaps Mother Nature gifted you that in apology for the delayed (not canceled) camping trip. GREAT news for Youngest Daughter! I’m praying a fulfilling job for her!

  2. So sorry you have been unable to get away on your camping trip. What an amazing sunrise, stunning. Hope all goes well with the interviews and your daughter gets the position. Have a great weekend.

  3. I'm sorry your camping plans were canceled Kristina. We all need to get away and unplug. It's been a rough year hasn't it?

  4. Rain, you got that right. It's been a rough year and the weather hasn't been good to us either overall.


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