Monday, August 24, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday

Daughter got the job!  She starts today!

Friday I needed to do some watering.  I also brought in more green bell peppers, and couldn't believe the size of this one.  Too bad I don't have a lot ready at once, because I would have stuffed and froze this one too.  

I spent the day freezing bell peppers, hot banana peppers, zucchini, and figuring out if I will be canning pickles yet or not.  I brought in more cucumbers. I filled my small dehydrator with comfrey and baked Lemon Zucchini bars too.

Guess who snagged some Einkorn flour?  Yep.  Limit of 2, but I'm on the list when it's restocked.

Saturday we rode the motorcycle all day and relaxed in the evening.  We took our youngest daughter, and she said it was just what she needed.  

My spring chicks are starting to lay.

Sunday, we planned another bike ride, but our radio stopped working, so it's torn apart and awaiting a new party.  I went to the garden and pulled all the bean plants.  Making our year end harvest at 15# and 4 oz.  Not the best, way better than last year, but we battled a drought this year.

Hubby went to help one of our biker friends put on a new fuel pump, so he had a working vehicle to head to work today.

Today, I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom. 

The weather outside is . . .
Muggy, hot in the 90's as it has the last 3 days

On my mind . . .
Not much.

On the breakfast plate . . .
Coffee, have no idea what I can bake yet.

On the reading pile . . .
Nothing.  Not it the mood yet.  It's still better to have books on hand when I am in the mood than not to have a book when I am in the mood.

On the TV . . .
The Lost Husband on Netflix

On the menu . . .
I'll be back if I come up with a menu.  Have no idea.

From the camera . . .

Looking around the house . . .
I need to put last night's dishes away.  I was too tired yesterday.

Chore I am not looking forward to this week . . . 
The start of ripping out my herb garden, laying down cardboard and re-starting a new one.  It needs to rain first.

To relax this week I will . . .
Work on Christmas ornaments maybe.  

On my prayer list . . .
Youngest, this country, our President, our biker friend and his family, and personal requests.


  1. Great news on the job! A blessing! So happy you got a relaxing Saturday. We got lots of rain and probably more on the way with the two storms in the gulf.

  2. M.Meyers, thanks. We expect rain tomorrow. There is a very slight chance today, fingers crossed. My root veggies really need it, as well as what's still above ground in the garden.

  3. I am thrilled your daughter got the job congratulations to her. Glad you were able to get a bike ride on Saturday, its nice to have a break from the normal. The pepper looked amazing, we haven't had much success with them this year.

  4. Congrats to your daughter! Looks like you have a great garden.
    Enjoy your week

  5. Congrats to your daughter on her new job! Lots of yummy food prep going on over there. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  6. Congratulations to your daughter!
    How do you go about freezing zucchini?

  7. That green pepper is one beaut for sure. Wow!!! Makes me hungry for stuffed peppers too, or a Western Omelet maybe.
    Congrats to your daughter for getting a job. In this economy, that's a worthy feat for sure.
    Prayers for your youngest too, whatever her need may be.
    Prayers for those in the path of storms and emergency responders around the world, rushing to do their jobs, sometimes facing grave danger, and now facing COVID as well.
    And prayers for those fighting fires in California. What a terrible dangerous job they have. And how amazing are they, running into the face of danger when all others are rushing away from it.
    Praying for our country. Lord knows we need it now, in Jesus name I pray. AMEN!!!
    God bless you all.

  8. Joanna, if you search my blog there should be a post on freezing the zucchini. You place it in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, then take it out and put it into an ice bath for the same time, drain and bag and freeze. We thaw and use it in casseroles, breakfast dishes etc. It will be softer, so baking is better than just as a side dish itself when thawed.

  9. RB, I agree on using the pepper for a western omelet. Yum! Stuffed peppers too.


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