Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Random Tidbits

Although, it's super convenient to use potatoes of some sort in a breakfast casserole, this one was delicious.  I have been trying to limit the carbs, sugar/starch etc. lately.  It makes a 9 x 13, but you can cut the recipe in half for a smaller family.  I cooked sausage vs. buying pre-cooked, and of course organic. 

The recipe is online at Pretty Providence, and the recipe is called "Best Breakfast Casserole."  Although I can't say it's the best of any casserole I've made, it is very good.

To relax yesterday, I made more of the jar openers.  They are becoming popular.  I have two more pending orders.  One wants 4 of them and another wants at least 2.  I think I will make one for the camper for us too.

I am waiting to see if I can get 16-20 bell peppers ripe all at the same time to stuff.  I may have to do it in half batches this year.  I had to dig and dig for Mama Pea's recipe for stuffed peppers.  We haven't had them in the freezer for the last 2 gardening seasons.

Only one zucchini and some cucumbers (planted 3 varieties of cucumbers this year).  The rain helped start a few more on the plants, so here's crossing my fingers we get more squash.  The yellow is on, but the plants are smaller than zucchini this year. 

I figured my green beans would be done, but the rain brought on a ton of blossoms. If they don't amount to anything, I'll be yanking the plants for the season.

As for the chickens and the chaos, we are going to clip their wings vs. spend a load of cash to re-do the coop.  Much easier and I surely hope they can't fly higher than the fence.  They are really giving me a run for my money.

I was given a pass on having to make dinner last night.  My husband took me on a motorcycle ride and dinner out.  A much needed ride after all the stuff going on here lately.


  1. I had more of an issue with carbs when I was a diabetic. Most folks eliminate potatoes from their diets first. Potatoes are a carb, but they are also a power house of essential vitamins and minerals the body needs. They key, as to anything in life, is moderation.

  2. Cockeyed Jo, my husband is diabetic, but his last testing was lower and much better,so I'm trying to be careful with the potatoes.

  3. I will give that casserole a go round. The smaller version and then eat fresh once freeze in small portions the rest.

    Sounds as you are making both garden and chicken progress. Wing clipping is SOP here. If ones chickens are safe in theory sometimes giving them wing lift to fly just creates problems.

    Glad you got a ride and a dinner you didn’t have to cook. Often when we go out for a change of scenery it puts our lives back in perspective and we feel not so grim about it.

    Press on!

  4. Goatldi, the casserole is good, but I may tweek it a bit. The hens are all doing good now that we clipped their wings. Whew! Yes, love a ride to clear my head.

  5. Wow looks delicious.
    I have a cooking blog in Spanish with Google translate in many languages.
    Hope you liked.


  6. Thanks Recetas, I will take a look at your blog. Thanks for visiting mine.


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