Monday, August 17, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday

Sunday I had some hot banana peppers a jalapenos to deal with, so I canned a batch of ....

Hot Banana Pepper Relish (Called Pepper Relish at online).

While the canner boiled away, I started on my mound of dishes I created. 

I also baked a breakfast casserole as our grab-n-go breakfast this week. A new recipe.  If it's good, I'll let you all know.

We got a good load of rain Sunday morning.  So very thankful for that too.

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.  

The weather outside is. . .
83°F/53°F  92% Humidity.

How I am feeling this morning . . .
Stressed. I lost two hens last night.  Apparently the newbies can fly very high.  With help we found them and put them back in the coop, but now we have to rethink the fence, put up tall posts, cover the top, and add a larger door.  I'm so done to be honest.

On my mind . . .
I have to call the dentist this morning.  A crown fell off.  Gonna be interesting now that appointments are limited.  I'm not a fan of mask wearing either.  Don't get me started on that.  I mean I touch mine a ton during one bike ride and stuff it in my purse several times, so how is that sanitary?  I watched a person drop theirs on the floor (inside of the mask fell on the floor), pick it up and put it back on his face.  The mask wearing isn't about the virus (just my opinion). It's part of the plan to keep economy from getting better (putting fear in people so they go out less, spend less), so America will blame the President, and keep him from being re-elected.  Most likely closing the bars at 10pm and causing them to lose 4 hours of business is part of that same plan?  Well, the caption did say "on my mind" so off my soapbox.

On the breakfast plate . . .

The breakfast casserole I made.

On my reading pile . . .
I haven't really been in the mood to read.

On my TV . . .
Not much.

On the menu this week . . .
-Crockpot shredded BBQ pork, oven roasted brussel sprouts and carrots
-Crockpot salsa chicken, Mexican Rice
-Leftovers.  We seem to have more leftover nights lately

From the camera . . .
The moon the other morning.

Chore I am not looking forward to this week . . .
Figuring out how to re-do the chicken coop.

To relax this week I will . . .
Have an adult drink.  Seriously.  Get a motorcycle ride one day.  Maybe two days.  We'll see.

Something I want to share . . .
I finally got new yarn colors for the jar openers.  They are posted for sale at Rooster's Crow Farm.  

On my prayer list . . .
Myself, our family, our youngest and her boyfriend's family, America


  1. Breakfast casserole sure does look good. Had never seen those jar openers, what a great idea!
    Have a great week

  2. Thanks Luludou! I'm getting lots of good feedback on the jar openers.

  3. Kristina, have you ever trimmed your hens’ wings? My young hens decided they wanted to fly out of their enclosure. By trimming their wings I am able to keep them within the safety of their run. I find that I have to do both sides of their wings- often I read that by doing one side, it makes them lop sided, This does not work for me. Good luck. Robin Malloy

  4. Wow, you have got to be one of the busiest woman, except for new mothers maybe. And your dishes look so tasty too. When I saw the hot pepper relish, I immediately thought of our Mother. Our Grandparents came from Hungary, and she loved hot peppers.
    Regarding the masks, I have to respectfully disagree simply because wherever they've been mandated AND policed, COVID numbers have declined. JMO
    I pray for America too. Lord knows if we'll ever be the same.
    God bless you and yours.

  5. Robin, we did clip one side of their wings and it worked. So far anyway. I am keeping an eye on them.

  6. Thanks RB, as for the masks, numbers in our state are skyrocketing. College is back, school is starting, and the testing is still going. Everyone is wearing the masks, but numbers are increasing daily.

  7. In years past, whenever kids spent time at home or vacationing somewhere, then went back to school spreading around whatever they were exposed to at home or vacationing, illness raised it's head.
    Why shouldn't COVID be the same?
    That's why so many times we've been told to stay at home, only to see videos on tv of teens gathering in large numbers at pools, at beaches and at bars, spreading spreading spreading.
    Only following the rules will start to bring numbers down. IMO, sending kids back to school was idiotic. For instance, one major university nearby started one week, and had to close down the next.
    What kind of sense does that make?
    Our mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers lived through pandemics of tuberculosis, polio, the Spanish flu, and on and on. They did what their health departments told them to do to survive, and so should we. JMO
    God bless.

  8. RB, you are right, and now that FL is on that list of "if you visit this state you must quarantine for 14 days when you return." So...planning next years vacation is troublesome. Most people in this state can't afford to stay home without pay that long, so no one is leaving to those states, and tourism is at it's lowest right now.

  9. What a gorgeous moon photo! Hope you are having a wonderful week.


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