Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Not a BlueBell ~Chickens are Named

New hen

Older Auracana

Clearly, the one on the right (new) is not a bluebell egger.  I have a feeling they mixed up the batch when putting them in or out, and gave me a breed of Araucana.  It's definitely different from my older hen.  The head is different on her.

I named the newer hen Dolly Carton.

These two naughty ones are the ones that flew the coop and took us for a run.  I named them (left to right) Thelma and Louise.

I'm thinking Cookies and Cream for the 2 barred rocks, Bluebell for the blue/gray.  Now to finally come up with names for my older two hens. Dixie Chick for my Araucana.  I'm still working on the Buff Orpington.


  1. Cute names! We named our buffs Goldie Hawn because of her laugh like chatter and Marilyn Moncrow because she ala always seemed to pose with leg exposed when we had them.

  2. Cockeyed Jo, those are great names, ha ha!

  3. Love the chicken names. Thelma and Louise for the 2 runners is funny. I remember our maternal Grandmother chasing escaped chickens flapping her apron. Seemed to do the trick. Don't know why.
    Are you sure that new hen is a chicken at all? Never seen one like that.
    Prayers for a safe week ahead for everyone, especially those in fire and hurricane areas. Terrible. Lord, Please be with them.
    God bless.

  4. RB, yeah, she's a breed of Araucana for sure.


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