Monday, August 10, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday

I've got a bit "to-do" list to keep me busy for sure.  First the green beans needed picked, so that's off the list as I post this.
-water everything (again)-write out a menu for a camping trip
-clean up house and kitchen mostly
-sweep and mop
-clean out fridge
-clean and freeze green beans
-freeze blackberries
-the list goes on and on....

Today I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.  

The weather outside is . . .
Hot!  Gonna be up to 91°F and heat index will be hotter.

How I am feeling this morning. . . 
Better than yesterday, but dragging.  I hope my to-do list will help with that. 

On my mind . . . 
Geeze.  A lot.  Youngest daughter, us, her boyfriend's family, her boyfriend's best friend's family....a lot!  Looking forward to a few camping trips too.

On the breakfast plate . . .
Nothing.  It's almost 11am and all I've had is coffee.

On my reading pile . . .
My Bible, devotionals

On my TV . . .
Sons of Anarchy

On the menu . . . .
-Homemade meatballs, homemade hot banana pepper sauce (crock pot), jalapeno creamed corn (crock pot), and home grown green beans, tomato cucumber salad
-have no idea

From the camera . . .

Looking around the house . . .
It's in disarray, but hopefully I can straighten'r up today (a bit).

Chore I am not looking forward to this week . . .
Clean out the fridge.  I swear there are things growing in there and most unidentifiable.  Sigh...

Something I want to share . . .
Nothing online, just some projects on the hooks.  Will share a post later hopefully.

On my prayer list . . .
Youngest, Us, friends of ours, this country, our President, our state (the Governor is out of control!!!!).


  1. Pretty picture! Ugh, you reminded me I also need to clean out my fridge (again). Not my favorite chore either. Hope you have a great week!

  2. Hey after the fridge confession I imagine that you won the science fair at school !😊

  3. I'm intrigued by your meatballs.
    Also, cleaning out the fridge is my least favorite chore EVER.
    Try and have a good week!

  4. Joanna, I think I have the meatball recipe on here somewhere. I'll try and find it for you. As for the sauce this time, it was a new recipe. Seems like I was to put up a recipe for the green pepper pesto too. I'll work on that this week.

  5. Hope that camping trip gives everyone some relief from heat and some healing for y’all hearts! I think I enjoy cleaning the fridge even less than cleaning the durn cat box! Just a necessary evil! Lol ! Have a great day!

  6. wyomingheart, I am so looking forward the camping trip.

  7. I like the picture. I understand about LONG to-do lists... I wonder why some people never have long lists though?
    Have fun camping!

  8. Thanks Luludou, I just hope it doesn't rain on us, ha ha! It's in a few weeks, and we have been complaining about our drought year. Then again we can play cards in the camper and cook under the awning, but I do love campfire meals.


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