Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Garden ~ "Local" Adventure Day ~ Storm

I brought in more green and wax beans, but boy are they not as large as they should be.  Watering has been almost daily with this drought and heat index, it's so frustrating.

I put 1 1/2 cups of blackberries in the freezer too.  The green beans need cleaned and put in the freezer today.  Not sure how I'll have time for all my work today.

My 21 year-old knew that I have been having a very difficult time lately, so after diligent watering, and prepping dinner for 2 crock pots, she swooped me off to a day of fun.  However, we found several of the local shops closed on a Monday (and Tues).  That sort of put us in a depressed mood, but we located another town with a general store open and drove there for some local shopping.  Then....

We hit Adli's for some much needed adult beverages and picked up some hard root beers to try as well.

Returning home, I had to batten down the hatches for a storm rolling in.  First they said 75mph wind, then 60.  We took precautions, but all we got was a little bit of wind and a teensy bit of rain.  Urgh.  We need the rain badly here.

I'm totally done with the herb garden.  It's a hot mess of weeds.  Thyme died, parsley died, not sure if there is rosemary or any green onion in there or not....gonna dig the entire thing out and lay cardboard in, fill with dirt and completely start over.  It won't happen right now, but by fall I should have a start on it.

Flower beds are full of weeds (why they grow and nothing else is mind blowing).  Zinnias haven't bloomed but a few, gladys have died, with only one bloomed.  If there was a year I should not have planted flowers it would be this year.

As for my house cleaning.  It turned into a hurricane as fast as I had it cleaned the last time I washed 5 loads of dishes.  Don't even ask me about the dishwasher either. 

I offered a dozen ears of corn to some friends a few days ago.  The corn is still here.   Not sure what I will do with it, but that needs taken care of too.

If there was a day I wish there was 10 of me, it would be today. 


  1. Kristina, I read that if you cut a blossom (Calendula) it will produce more quickly, it has worked for me. It's hard to sacrifice one flower, but it works. I scored today and found liquid hand soap at the Dollar store. We've had no rain out our way since last week. Looks like it today..but I already watered.

  2. Thanks Faith, I'll have to cut it and hope for more. Hope you get rain. We got very little last night.

  3. If they never come for the corn, I'd say section into meal portions and put in freezer. We are having to water here too. Very dry and hot. I love fresh herbs. My husband bought me an Aero Garden for my bday. I love it. He got it for me on Amazon. You can grow herbs all year long. I love mine. I am in the process of making a post on my blog now with a picture.

  4. Tracy, I wanted to buy one of those so badly this year. Can you show the brand of it. I would love to get one. I think it would boost my spirits right now too. My outside herb garden is a total weed fest.


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