Saturday, August 8, 2020

Corn ~ Tiger ~ Cake and other ramblings

I have gotten 70 cups of corn in the freezer, and have 10 more to get done today.  After that I pass out the remaining ears of corn to my family and friends.

When I start removing the corn off the cob, Tiger comes a runnin'.  He is so funny.  I gave him an ear to chew on and when he left the kitchen I picked it up.  Later he came back and I ignored him.  He got around my leg and was back kicking me and then bit me.  Ha ha!  I gave him another.  

We have our daughter's boyfriend's family coming for dinner tonight, so I baked another zucchini cake.  I will put a glaze on this one before they arrive.

I finally got in touch with Mom.  She is so funny.  Always out and about.  I wanted to ask what she needs for her birthday, but she refuses to let me gift her anything.  If I get more zucchini, I'll be delivering her cake and something else homemade.  She loves homemade/handmade anything.

Today, we un-bury the tomato patch.  It's full of grass.  No big deal, but with the tomatoes turning red, I need the grass out so I don't get ticks on me.  I wear muck boots, but still.

I got an order for 4 of the jar grippers I make.  I need to make 2 of them to get the colors she needs, but I'm thrilled for the sale.

I'm trying to locate organic / non-gmo corn grits.  They are sold out on the site I order from, and Amazon has prices so high it's ridiculous.  If you know where I can find them, please shoot me a comment.

We are all getting through day by day.  Minute by minute.  When I am busy, I am fine, but when I stop I have anxiety and whatnot.  Daughter is having a rough time yet.  I do thank you all for your kind words, good mojo and prayers.


  1. organic non gmo corn grits

    In Goggle search bar. A laundry list comes up including Bobs Red Mill but I didn’t check into availability or prices. Good luck .

    Funny kitten 😂

  2. "We are all getting through day by day. Minute by minute." That's all anybody else is doing too. And n really bad days, it's second by second. Hang in there/ Luckily it's harvest time and no end to the bust work to keep you occupied.

  3. Goatldi, I think they are out of stock too

  4. I've missed so many posts. I'm sorry. You get so much done! That corn looks so good and will be delicious this winter. I really meant to buy a bushel to freeze but haven't yet. That's funny how your cat likes the corn cobs. We had a little Poodle years ago who loved the cob after we had corn on the cob for supper. He would hold the cob in his mouth and growl if you tried to touch it.

  5. Henny Penny, Jesse loved corn too, but he's no longer with us. Tiger can smell me cutting it off the cob a mile a way, ha ha!


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