Friday, August 7, 2020

Green Pepper Pesto ~ Library ~ Tomatoes

I've always associated "pesto" with greens.  I was intrigued when I found a recipe using green peppers as the base.  The recipe is from a library book I borrowed - Preserving the Harvest.

I got two lovely green bell peppers from the garden, and had basil, so I gave the new recipe a whirl.

I decided to make a pasta pesto using this pasta.

End results.  Who knew that green peppers would make a great pesto.  I'll have to make this and freeze some for winter.   I am still hoping I get 16 ripe bell peppers all at once to stuff and freeze as well.

Apparently, the library kept my inter-loan requests, but put them all on hold back in March.  Items starting coming in last week, but they sent them back.  I just had so much going on with the passing of the boys.  Daughter stopped and picked up what they had.  A few crochet books and a movie.  All of the canning and herb books had been sent back.  I have no idea what they were.

Finally seeing these turn red.


  1. Bell pepper pesto?! Sounds intriguing. Does it have a heavy bell pepper taste?

  2. M. Meyers, no, not really with the basil and garlic in it. I will post the recipe soon.

  3. Looks good pepper pesto and tomatoes alike.


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