Wednesday, August 12, 2020

2020 can go away....

The year has been crappy overall.   I feel like the government is keeping us from family and friends, so we may have a bonfire out here, but it depends on the heat.  It's been dry and hot.  That's not a good mix for burning.

I'm seriously concerned for our state.  A few days ago, after midnight (in the big city two of my daughters live in), there was what they called purging.  I can't make this stuff up.  People with cars without plates went around shooting at people randomly.  I read a toddler and an elderly man were shot and killed.  Purging?  The world has really gone to h-e-double hockey sticks.

Oh, and I have 2 more dead hens.  This time it was a weasel that came in the top of the fencing (which we recovered with harder wire fencing, and he said it would hold until we get the fencing up on the new coop).

Well, he felt awful, so we moved the hens last night.  Temporary fencing goes up tonight.  Then we start removing debris from the cement slab (cutting trees down etc).  I went from 8 adult hens to 2.  I have 6 newbies.  So I have 8 vs. 14.  It is the first time in 12 years I do not have a rooster crowing out there.  I miss Sparta.  He was the best rooster ever.  Anyway, I will (and I repeat) never buy straight run just to get a rooster. I still plan to get some photos of the new ones.  

We have never, ever had a problem like this in the 12 years living here.  I am pretty much sure it's due to our drought.  We have never experienced such a dry year in all the years living here.

Speaking of drought, we will rely on rain water that's in the rain barrels.  We are very worried about our well and water for winter at this point.  I may be sacrificing flower watering to save on the well. I may sacrifice my root veggies as well.  Just frustrating.

We have a few chances of rain this coming weekend, but not much.  Whatever comes down will be saved in the rain barrels.

Well, on a good note, I spent 5 hours cleaning my kitchen.  It's back in order, other than I need a storage area for my new pressure canner.  I'll worry about that later.  I think today's hot spot is the utility room.  It's a hot mess.  First, I have some zucchini to get in the freezer, and I need to count eggs to see if I can make a breakfast casserole.  Now that i have only 2 laying, it really, really stinks.  So if you are getting eggs, count your blessings.  

Update on our youngest.  She hasn't been home for 3 (going on 4 days).  She can't be around anything that reminds her of him, so we stay in contact, but her absence is weighing on us.  

I have a library movie due back, and have no way to get it back today.  My car is still up on the jack.  There has been so much mentally and physically going on, we've not had a minute to even think about the repairs.

Sorry for the long post today, hopefully the Rain Gods will bless us and I'll have some bounty to share.  I'd just be peachy keen if I start getting eggs from the newbies.  Oh, by the way, Hubby said "absolutely no way" on raising meat birds next year.  We have no secure place to raise them.  Too many other jobs to get done before building a secure building either.


  1. Agreed! I feel it too, I think we all do. I don't listen or watch any main stream fake news. In fact, I don't watch or listen to any news at all, what difference does it make, you can't believe any of it or trust anyone right now. I stick to my own, live my life best I can. Trying to find liquid hand soap is a mission, and Lysol forget about it. I did manage to find liquid hand soap at the dollar store. Picked up a few bottles, one for now and for the pantry.
    This is the America they "fundamentally changed", they can have t. Thank goodness for the simple lovely diversions of a quieter life. Stay well & strong Kristina.

  2. It is beginning to get really scarey out there. I just want to stay home as much as possible and keep me and mine safe. I cant hardly get on Facebook without seeing or reading something awful. We had our news channels cut off of our tv. It's too depressing. All we can do is trust in the Lord.

  3. Faith you are right on about the Lysol, and also I can't find disposable gloves. I use them to cut hot peppers. Who knew this crazy world would change so fast.

  4. Tracy, even the radio commercials are all about this virus, when it's not. It's all about destroying the economy so Trump won't be re-elected. It's so scary what they are doing to try and accomplish it as well.


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