Sunday, July 5, 2020

Heat Wave ~ Garden ~ Weekend Work

The heat rolled in as they predicted.  No sign of rain is exhausting.  There is a caution of drought conditions, which will be an issue with the gardens.  We are still in the 90's here. We have been diligent with garden work and outside work, like finishing the pressure washing.

Peas are still rolling in with constant watering, but plants are not as tall as they should be.  Harvest amounts are lower. 

I've been much better at logging the harvest.  The numbers will determine what we will plant or not plant next year. 

Although I attempted to get pictures of our wrens, this guy wanted to be the star of attraction yesterday morning.

Thank you all who had concerns about my sciatica.  I have been doing my stretching diligently, because if I don't get better, the garden dies, chickens won't get fed and watered etc.  I can sleep without pain now, and that helps with a better start to the day.

We had the best 4th of July ever.  We ended the night watching fireworks off the front porch and they were fantastic.  Love our neighbors all around.  There were so many more setting them off this year and it was fantastic.  It end the day perfectly.


  1. Your own local fireworks! How fun! Good to hear the sciatica pain is getting better. My daughter experiences that now and then so I know it can be miserable. Here's to complete healing for you!

  2. Mama Pea, the fireworks were awesome. Thanks. It is painful for sure, and I hope it stays away now that I am stretching and have a new treadmill.

  3. The fireworks sound like fun, so glad that you were able to enjoy them and celebrate. Glad your are sleeping better without pain, long may that last.

  4. mamasmrcantile, our local fireworks were all canceled so folks went out and bought them and it was such a good show from my porch. I hope they do it next year. They even stopped them early and didn't do them into the wee hours of the night.

  5. Good luck there with the lack of rain. We had an agonisingly dry summer here where all the dams ran empty and we were carting water every day. Certainly don't wish the same on you!

  6. Thanks Stephen, it's been a trying year for sure.


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