Monday, July 6, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday

I still haven't been able to get a photo of the wrens.  They are small and quick.  I didn't see many out at all this morning.  I think they know it will be hot and getting hotter as we go into the week.  

We spent all of Saturday on the Harley, and I never got sun burn oddly.  Had a fantastic weekend, with another ride yesterday.    Although we went to one of our favorite restaurants and won't be back.  They changed their menu completely, and nothing looked good.  They took away the perch, and many more items including my favorite Philly.  

One burger was served cold, with toppings that were asked to be left off.  It was raw, and when they brought toppings, the BBQ sauce was as thin as water.  The service was horrible, messed up one drink.  They switched perch out for cod and over priced it.  It was horrible too.  

I'm sure they changed it due to this pandemic, lack of employees returning, and possibly food resources available.  I feel bad for them, but I can't support a place that serves awful food either.   Or awful service. No one wants to sit and wait an hour just for a drink, then wait another half hour for appetizer and another half hour for the meal.

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The weather . . .
High of 96°F, but the heat index will rise into the hundreds as we go through the week.  No sign of rain until possibly Friday.  We can only pray for it.  We need it so badly.

How I am feeling this morning . . .
Tired.  Exhausted from the mask mandates going in place in areas around us.  Just sick of it.   They are saying that if Trump wins in November the virus will last until 2025, but if Biden wins, the virus will disappear in November.  

On my mind . . .
Well, I have lost many friends during this virus.  Not from the virus, but because of the divide it has put between people over personal opinions.  I am thankful for the friends that have stayed friends regardless of opinion.

On the breakfast plate . . .
Have no idea.

On  my reading pile . . .

On my TV . . .
Not much.

On the menu this week . . .
-Leftovers tonight
-meatloaf, mashed tades and corn (didn't get this made yet)
-breakfast: Biscuits/sausage gravy, potatoes, eggs
-strawberry pie
......have no idea because it will be so hot here and I hate to heat up my kitchen every day.

From the Camera . . .
Porch view.

Looking around the house . . .
I pulled my garlic, but it's sitting on the table waiting to be tied and hung up.  It did pretty good, but only one bulb was pretty large.  I'm happy with the results, and will probably plant in grow pots again.  The house needs cleaned, but that's normal.  It will get done since we can't be outside for long the rest of the week.

Chore I am not looking forward to this week . . .
Mucking the chicken coop, but that's not happening until we get a rain and cool down.

To relax I will . . .
Watch cooking shows while I crochet.

On my prayer list . . .
Our country.  It seems that so many Americans have lost their pride and willingness to fight for their civil rights.  All the fighting and judgment and finger pointing has caused a divide, and I'm sure it all has to do with November's voting. The mask mandates are a huge fight between most in our area.  Half wants it and the other half thinks it is dumb.  Please no negative comments.  It's so out of control.

I will say this.  When you went to the doctor, they had a box of masks.  It said if you are sick and with a cough, to please wear one.  The sick.  Not the healthy.  The sick.  Just do you research on this.  There are many articles and Youtube videos that make you wonder what's really going on.

I'm so disappointed in Americans and the behavior and the violence etc that is going on right now.  All for a vote or no vote?  There is so much more behind all this virus than we will ever know.  Keep praying!

Praying for rain for us.  My root vegetables are suffering horribly and I really don't want to hear my husband say we are not planting a thing next year.  We have suffered a struggle to garden for the last 3 years and I don't want to deal with it another year here.

Praying for the law enforcement.  It is truly a crazy, scary, and frustrating year.


  1. Amen to everything you posted! United we are a strong society, but seems as though division is what some folks want...divided our society is weak, whiny, and In constant struggle of dissatisfaction.

  2. wyomingheart, I almost believe the government is wanting the divide and all the fighting right now. Just crazy.

  3. Let me just say that as an out of USA person, have never seen it so divided and soooo much finger-pointing.

    that farming book looks interesting. Haven't had meatloaf in ages! as soon as it gets cooler I'll add it to my menu.

    Have a great week.

  4. Luludou, I have a feeling it will get worse until November. There is so much more to this than we will ever know.

  5. It is so sad to read that this virus is dividing communities and friendships. Glad you were able to get out on the bike for awhile but disappointing that the food and service at your favourite spot was a disappointment.

  6. I completely agree with many of your thoughts. Your sausage gravy breakfast sounds yummy! I hope you have a safe and happy week :)


  7. I feel you are quite right about society. I keep waiting what else will happen between now and November.
    I love the bird photos. I always try to get a few shots, but they fly away too quickly.
    Have a great week.

  8. Monique, birds are so hard to photograph. Thanks.

  9. Girl, I am so with you on what's going on in our country. I have become so bitter and angry at what all is happening that I just cant watch the news anymore and I'm having to slow down on reading social media. It is robbing my joy. We are purposely being divided and when I try to stand up and help educate some people, it has made me loose some friends. I will say this, for the past 30 or 40 years we have dumbed down generations of kids because true history has been removed from our text books. Our younger generations have no clue these days anymore. People are supporting organizations and groups and dont even realize who is funding them or behind their hidden agenda. People need to research things and dig out true history. Enough of that.
    I had to get in my Bible and pray hard. I realized all this is happening for a reason and coming to light and God will get the glory over the outcome.
    I am so ready for normalcy again.
    We all need to keep in the word and pray hard everyday but most of all dont let social media and news get us down
    Take breaks from all often.
    On the lighter side, I have a mocking bird come to my back porch everyday and sit on our railing and squak at our cat. I think our cat has been getting too close to her nest and she is angry about it. It is a sight to watch some days

  10. Tracy, it's been so depressing. I have to stay off the news and social media too. So much fighting going on. I am getting my Bible out today too. I so badly need it. I would love to see the Mockingbird lol. The barn swallows dive bomb our barn cat. Funny to watch too.

  11. Wrens are extremely uncooperative photo subjects. Early morning or just before dark you might get one sitting still for a second. You have a beautiful view from your porch. Hope you have a great week!

  12. I am so sick of the politics in this country. I've been called all sorts of names. I've switched off social media, deactivated my Facebook completely and am only on Instagram sharing recipes and my day.

    I have been reading my Bible daily for a month now and wow does it help.

    Hope you have a blessed week.

  13. Jean, wrens are quick little buggers aren't they? Thanks, I hope your week is great too.

  14. Sandra, I'm right there with you, including my Bible. It's getting crazier and crazier in our world right now.

  15. Lovely bird photos. I have Growing A Farmer on my TBR. Look forward to hearing what you think. We can only hope and pray that the craziness will end soon. Hope you have a lovely week.


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