Thursday, July 2, 2020

Deer ~ Gifting a Friend ~ Extremely Dry Week

I watched a group of 3 deer cross the road yesterday morning, but they turned back and went back across to the river that runs behind us. Later another group of two crossed.

Early morning (which brought us home at noon) one daughter and I took Momma cat and her 2 kittens on a road trip.  We found a Humane Society open that would take them.  I gave them a bag of cat food and wrote out a check.  I'm so glad they took them, as our temps will reach up to 96°F this weekend.  It does anger me that I have to pay to have them get a new home, when they were not our cats and 99% sure dumped here.  I believe in karma for people like that.  Kitty's will have a nice place to stay now until they are adopted.

I have a friend who is the wife to a co-worker of my husband, who is so stressed over the possibility of another lockdown (and the recent loss of their long time dog).  I decided to make up a basket of goodies to lift her spirits - 4 pack of KY Bourbon Barrel Beer (they didn't have her favorite), bath salts, kitchen trivet, organic jerky, fireball, candy, a cosmetic bag that says  "This Girl Can," a notebook that says, "You Got This," heart shaped sticky notes, a fridge magnet that says "Lettuce be Calm," (for her kitchen) and other happy stuff.

It's hot here folks.  We need rain every so badly.  I am running the water pump all morning and sometimes at night.  Flower pots have to be watered twice a day or they will die.  It's getting frustrating, and our well isn't filling up right now.  I have one rain barrel of water.

I hope you all have a great weekend. 


  1. Although we have had some rain it wasn't enough to do much good. I grouped all my potted plants in one area and have them under partial shade. I water them just after the sun goes down each night. I'm growing lots of vegetables in pots this year due to severe back problems and the fact that our ground is clay and really hard to dig.

  2. It is very dry here too, though the fireworks are still scheduled for the 4th. I noticed the grass crunching as I did my walk last night.

  3. Granny J, glad to hear you got a little bit of rain. We are really hurting here.

  4. Wildflower Adventures, I'm surprised so many are doing fireworks with it so hot and dry here too.

  5. I saw a 10 point buck, 3 does and some fawns this week in our orchard. They were happily munching on our orchard grass. We won't see them again during hunting season I'll bet.

    We are still singing the "rain, rain, go away" song here. It rains daily frm 5m til morning. I'm so tired of the mud.

  6. I think the deer are smart about hunting season, ha ha! You have the opposite problem we have. It's so hot and dry here.

  7. You get gold stars ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
    For your two acts of kindness!

    Have a wonderful fourth and enjoy your farm and family 😊


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