Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Strawberries ~ Strawberry Vodka ~ Pie Crust Crumbles and other Tidbits

I finally got strawberries at the last picking of the season (not mine).  I have yet to re-vamp our strawberry patch and sadly have about 4 June bearing plants currently (with plans to move them and add many more next year).   

I started a double batch of strawberry vodka.  We like this.  Recipes are all over the internet if you are interested.  I have more strawberries to freeze today.
I made a batch of freezer pie crust crumbles too.  It makes 6 pie crust crumbles.  I use the recipe on King Arthur Flour (available online).

My tip to do this recipe:  I cut the butter and put it in the freezer first.

I then measure out the flour etc. and add a bit of it to my food processor.

I toss in the butter and pulse it until it looks like this.

I then add it to the rest of the ingredients and measure it out using my scale, and freeze them.  All I have to do is thaw it a bit, and add ice cold water and roll the dough.  I have been using this recipe for a while now.

Anyway, that's what's happening. 

Standing and walking helps keep the worst pain away. If you have had sciatica, you know what I am talking about (and I have not planted Arnica this year - totally forgot about it {insert sad face}).

I want to bake and deliver another meal to our friends (wife of the couple had a heart attack).  Praying I feel up to it.  

We caught Mom and 2 kittens.  One kitten may have gotten taken by a raccoon (we have seen some lately).  We are on the job this morning, locating a Humane Society that will take them.  Cross your fingers we do.  It's not easy this time of year for any to take them, as it's kitten season right now.  One kitten is very friendly, the other and Mom are not happy with us.

Sadly, we are heading into a very hot week with no chance of rain until July 7th.  Watering is almost daily, so I hope the garden still progresses during this trying time.


  1. The only strawberries I get are from the store. I do have about 4 plants, like you but the weeds buried them and I need to replant them elsewhere. I hope your sciatica heals. I had it once and what a bugger! Take care and have a safe and happy 4th!
    Oh, thanks for the pie crumbles idea! I use KA all the time but I've never seen that recipe, awesome!

  2. Sam I am, we are lucky to have 3 local produce areas that sell the strawberries Thankful for that until we can establish an area for them without weeds. I love the pie crust crumbles. It makes 6 you can keep in the freezer and you just add the ice water and roll the dough. So easy to have on hand. They taste good too.

  3. Strawberry vodka? I bet it is good. Hope they will take the kittens.

  4. Hope you manage to find a home for the kitties. Strawberry vodka sounds good, so nice for a summer tipple.

  5. It's been very very hot here lately. So glad to have air conditioning in the house and car. Been having trouble sleeping. That Strawberry Vodka sounds yummy. Called the VA doctor and she mailed me an RX so I don't have to go out to a drug store or anything.
    Been so hot around here , haven't felt like doing much of anything - but you know, dishes have to be done, cleaning has to be done; if you leave it, it piles up and is worse.
    I always have to chuckle every summer when I start complaining about the heat; this is the summer so many of us wished for last winter. Now here it is and we're stuck with it for a few months. LOL
    Praying this COVID 19 dies down. (Too many lives are being lost regardless of whether one believes in it or not, the statistics are easy for anyone to find and review.)
    Praying for a safe holiday weekend for everyone too, a safe and wise one, in Christ Jesus name. AMEN!!!
    God bless you all.

  6. RB, the heat does suck the energy out of me too. Have a nice weekend.

  7. Heat we finally got but way too much rain.

  8. Cockeyed Jo, I'm worried that's what will happen to us too.


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