Thursday, July 16, 2020

Another new crochet project

I love my Mom.  She gave me another project to do.  I won't be crocheting masks, but she asked me to make a mask extender.  The only problem is, that the pattern is too small.  I'm re-doing this today and making it larger and having my daughter who works try it out at her work.  My buttons have been shipped, so that will happen when they arrive.

It's not the new project that I was talking about though.  That is yet to start, but will share when I have it made.

Once I have the size figured out on this project, I'll most likely be selling some.  I know many people have to wear a mask the entire day, and it's uncomfortable.  One person who has one already told me hers measures 6 1/2 inches.  I think that would be too large, but we'll see.

Rain is due here today, but we've only had a sprinkle.  I sure hope we get more today.  We badly need it.  I spent the morning tying up my 100 some tomato plants.  They are looking great and tomatoes are on.  Bring on the rain!

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