Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Flies ~ Garden Bounty

We have a huge fly problem out by the vegetable gardens.  They are flesh flies and are everywhere.  I'm guessing there is a dead animal near the woods or in the pasture, so I went online and ordered environmentally safe fly traps.  My homemade bug spray doesn't work at all, and it's miserable trying to work out there.  

Garden bounty is starting to roll in.  Jalapenos and bell peppers are on the plants now too.

I went out to the coop yesterday, and low and behold, another hole in the chicken wire.  Just like the last two holes and I'm getting tired of it.  Live trap is set again.  Deer camera is up too just to see if there is more or it's something different doing it.


  1. Can't wait to hear what DeWiner is going to blab on and on about today. I was with him in the beginning. That was then, this is now....not so much. Did you hear? They want to have a day named after ( next slide) Amy Acton? Oh yeah it's for real. February 26th. I wrote to my local representative and expressed my most displeasure at the thought. A professional woman, walked out, backed out in the middle of a pandemic. Yeah...let's name a day for her. What kind of message does that send. Love the garden bounty...we will be delayed on the tomatoes...somebody had a snack.I've harvested some hot peppers though. Stay cool. Write your representative.

  2. Dang critters!!! We saw a raccoon in the front yard yesterday, in broad daylight! The dog explained to him that the boundary line is not blurred... lol! Have a terrific day!

  3. The garden bounty looks so good, a reward for all the hard work.

  4. mamasmercantile, the taste of fresh homegrown beats everything. So good!

  5. Chicken wire is to keep chickens in. It is not meant to keep hated raccoons out. Use 1/2" fabric cloth. If you buy galvanized before welding (GAW), it will last longer. I hate raccoons!


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