Friday, July 17, 2020

Blueberries ~ When it's too hot to eat a hot meal ~ Tidbits

I wasn't sure I'd even get blueberries this year, as it was a dry spring.  Strawberry season was short too.

However, I was on top of it, and brought home 10# of blueberries.  We cannot grow them here, so I'm tickled pink we can re-stock them.

I made this the other day.  It's a side dish, but I made it a "main" dish for a hot day.  It has black beans in it, so that counts as a protein.  So good too.  It's Tex Mex Pasta and the recipe is online at Spruce Eats.  You can utilize your garden goodies for this recipe.  Oh, I forgot to add the fresh cilantro from the herb garden.  Will add that today too.

Do you know what these are?  Hard to see in the bag, but Hubby surprised me.  French waffles.  A country nearby town had a food truck.  Woohoo!  We helped someone out financially, and filled my tummy with some yummy fair food (I know it's not healthy, but it's once a year ha ha!).

Got up early (again) and watched the sunrise.  We have some patchy fog here and the heat returns today.  We didn't get that much rain yesterday.  As my Mom said, "we got spit on" basically.

I have much to do today.  First water, then weed, and a lot of other stuff today.  Have a great weekend! 


  1. We had a storm blow through late yesterday afternoon (after an incredibly HOT day) which gave us 1/2" of rain. So, so welcomed. After such a rocky start, my garden is finally taking off and catching up to where it should be this time of year. Hope yours is looking good.

  2. Thanks Mama Pea, plants are looking good, but we really need more rain. I'm watering with well water, but it runs my electric pump, so there goes my electric bill. Sigh.


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