Tuesday, June 9, 2020

The Good and the Bad ~ Randomness

The Good:  There is a good chance of rain tomorrow.
The Bad:  It's going to be a high of 95°F today and the gardens will not like it.

The Good:  I bought a sprinkler for the garden
The Bad:  Garden is hard as a rock.

Well, as of June 5th, there are zero new cases of the virus in our county, and no deaths since June 4th. Looks like it's going away.  Major amusement parks and water parks that are due to open June 19th are fighting now to open sooner.

Considering it will be a very hot day here for us, I am sure my laundry will dry in seconds.  I did most of it yesterday, but will finish it up today.

It'll be an indoor day for me, and making crushed ice to cool the chickens off.  I think I may have a fan to put on them today as well.

Dinner last night was a sheet pan dinner, which heated up my kitchen, but Hubby and I put in the AC last night - woohoo to that.

Tonight I'm making us an apple/pecan chicken salad.  Nice for a hot day.  Aside from that it could have been ice cream, ha ha!


  1. We've been know to have ice cream for supper:) ha ha!

  2. Been hot here too, and I don't like hot much, but it is what it is, isn't it.
    That kitten might be a male. Male kittens are more apt to wander than female kittens are. Let's hope a hawk or fox don't get it cause it's a beautiful kitten. I had a friend who had a kitten that color of gold. She named it Marilyn - for Marilyn Monroe's gold hair. What was funny is, when she took it to the vet the first time. The vet was talking to it, making friends with it. Suddenly he said, "What's this cat's name again?" She said, "Marilyn." He said, "That's a strange name for a boy." ROFLOL So she had to rename the cat. It IS hard to tell when they're kittens. I had a male cat named Sue for the very same reason, and by the time the error was discovered, the toddlers in my daycare were already calling him Sue, so that's what he was called - for the rest of his life. A boy named Sue. ;)
    Prayers it cools off, but I don't think it will for a while. :(
    God bless.

  3. RB, the kitten was female. We checked before we reunited her with her Mom. Ha ha! A boy named Sue!


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