Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Garlic Scapes ~ Tidbits

Guess what is ready already?  My garlic scapes.  First time it's ever been ready before the radishes were ready to harvest.

Dinner last night - apples, cranberries, pecans and chicken were added when we ate.  There is blue cheese in there.   So good for a hot day.  We hit a heat index of 101°F yesterday.  Then the temperature started to go down.

Does anyone know what this flower is called?  It's not bluebells.  The flowers are upward.  I moved them from the last home and they are still blooming.  My blue daisy plant died sadly.  

We got some rain last night and we hope to get some today, but it may come with storms.  I'm thankful, as I do not have to water again.  

New carnation for the flower bed.  I'll plant it this morning.

We now have spotted 2 kittens, but Romeo scared them and poof, they went under the house so that will be watched today.  I see Momma is hanging around, so hopefully she'll call them back out.  It will definitely be hot under there.


  1. You had rain? We had none. Today it looks like it might. You got alot of scapes. Neat!

  2. Faith, yes we got rain sometime last night, but not much. I have to go back out to the garlic later, as I usually miss some scapes when I cut them off.

  3. There was a farmer's market where we used to live that had the garlic scrapes. I made some pesto. The recipe came with the scrapes. I liked it but hubby not so much. It was chilly here yesterday & this morning. We were thinking we needed the heat back on to knock off the chill but survived without it.

  4. Wildflower Adventures, It's hot and humid here again today.

  5. I believe the blue flower is a campanula.
    Chilly and wet here in Wales

  6. It sounds hot there. The blue flower you asked about looks exactly like the blue balloon flower we have growing here. They're really pretty, and a true shade of blue. We got a little rain today, but need more. Didn't think I would be saying that after all the rainy days we had earlier. The garden dries out fast.

  7. Gee, that salad looks yummy. I don't think I've ever had garlic scapes. Sounds interesting.
    I wonder if that blue flower is a Princess Flower. I'm not sure they could survive your winters though, but that flower sure does look like one.
    It's good to know the kittens have a good survival instinct. Hopefully, it'll serve them well throughout their life.
    We had very very dark skies this evening, then just enough rain to make the dust on the car look bad. ROFLOL
    Bro Tom finally has an afternoon off tomorrow, so he's wanting to get an oil change. I'll ride along and keep him company. If I don't get out of the house at least once a week, I start getting all maudlin.
    Prayers everyone is having a great week. Be safe.
    God bless.


  9. Thanks everyone with help identifying the flower.


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