Monday, June 8, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday

Yesterday it was a full day off.  Literally.  We rode the motorcycle with friends and ended the night with some porch time and an adult beverage.  It was a beautiful day.

I found a kitten by one of the barns over the weekend.  We brought it inside, but it was young enough it still needed her Mom.  It's the calico that was dropped here by some idiot.  One morning Mom was at the door eating the barn cat food, so we put the kitten out and wah-la!  Mom and baby reunited.  I have only seen one kitten, unless she is hiding the rest.

Saturday night we were on the porch relaxing.  We saw 5 ambulances and 3 fire trucks up at the empty old mud bog business.  We didn't see Sheriff lights, but no one was living in the house of our previous nuisance neighbor.  Guess who is back?  Yep.  Him.  Not sure what happened, but it doesn't look like it was good.  Possible drug overdose from the looks of it, and we are keeping an eye on activity, considering how close it is to our homestead.

Things are about to get ugly.  We haven't found a car for our older daughter living at home.  Truth be told, we just haven't made the time for car shopping (either it's garden work or on the bike for a day off).  We can't put it off any longer.  We will have 3 people working and two vehicles starting tomorrow.  My car is still down for the count (more work needed to drive it).  Not sure how this will all work and we live in the country.  

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom

The weather . . .
High of 84°F.  They initially said 94°F.

On my mind . . .
A lot.  I have lots to do, and our AC is still not put in and it'll be in the high 90's tomorrow.  There is always some excuse to not get it in daily.  Our library opened, but masks are required.  I guess I'm done with our library, until things get better.  If this is a permanent requirement, I won't be back ever.  Thankful for bookstores.  Just my personal opinion, so I don't want negative comments or I will delete them.  There is too much negative stuff now-a-days.

How I am feeling this morning . . .
Strange.  Hubby is on a new work schedule, due to both teams back to work with no weeks off.  One team starts regular time, and his team starts an hour later, getting home an hour later.  I'm not feeling normal with this new routine.

On the breakfast plate . . .
Have no idea.  I need to go spend a few hours watering first.

On my reading pile . . .
I have books, but I'm either too tired or too busy to be reading right now.

On the TV . . .

On the menu . . . 
-Sheet pan dinner
-Ham, Thyme roasted crock pot sweet potatoes, roasted brussel sprouts
-crock pot carnitas, corn
-snack - Prairie Fire Dip (crock pot)

From the camera . . .
Here is the kitten we found.  Apparently, she wants to roam with Mom and doesn't want to stay where Mom puts here.  She is back with Mom, but I'm sure we'll see her again.  She is friendly at this point.  The kitten anyway.  Mom is a whole other story.

Looking around the house . . .
Lots to do, lots to do.

Chore I am not looking forward to this week . . .
Not sure.  There is a lot on the to-do list this week.

To relax this week I will . . .
Porch time, crochet....not sure.

On my prayer list . . .

This entire country.  I see that one of our islands has had protesting now.  Not the island I visit, but this all needs to stop and get back to a better normal.  I can't see how our amusement parks will make any money either.  There is no way kids are going to enjoy wearing a mask in 80-90°F weather, and how will they stay on during the rides.  Just a bad situation right now.


  1. That kitten is adorable! Our library isn't open yet except for hold/pickups which is better than nothing. I do miss browsing though. Hope you have a wonderful week (and that you find a car and get that a/c up and running asap, love my hot & humid weather but a/c is a prerequisite for it. LOL)

  2. After reading your post, I had to go check our library website for updates. We've been able to reserve materials and check them out through the drive-through. I use the library computers for making copies, and that's the thing I've missed. I see ours is opening June 15 for limited patrons to have 30 minute visits. Computers by appointment. Social distancing required. Masks suggested but not required. Whew. Why are we still doing this? After the demonstrations/riots (which nobody made a fuss about) it seems that masks and social distancing are antiquated. I agree we need to get back to normal. The real normal. Not the hokey new normal.

  3. Leigh, there is a limit of like 5 people in our library - very small. I am so tired of the required mask thing. There are no new cases in our county since June 5th.

  4. Cute kitten! Sheet pan dinner, looks like a winner! I use my ebook instead of the library and have tons of book, which works out perfect for me.
    Have a great week

  5. What a cute kitten. I don't go in places that require masks either (only 2 so far.) And praying for our country also.

  6. Thanks Lady Locust, it's just not healthy to wear one if your healthy (and being so hot out doesn't help, and stores not using AC either).

  7. YAY! So glad the kitten has been reunited with mom!!! I'm ready for back to normal too and I avoid the negative and ALL news to stay positive! Hope you have a GREAT week.


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