Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Slim Pickin's

I had access to a car for a quick blink of the eye.  I ran into Wal-mart to get some items, and this is the area where crochet hooks and needles are sold.  The yarn is so slim.  See that shelf at the bottom of the photo?  Hardly any #10 cotton thread.  Literally nothing but one "I" hook left.  I needed an H and some needles for a gift for a family member.

I am putting together an Emergency Crochet kit for her.  I found tape measures, but not the retractable ones (that section was slim as well.  I found pencils, notebook and scissors.  Good gravy on the shopping trip.  I am told I have to drive further out to find a fully stocked store.  Geeze o' pete.  I'm told that Wal-Mart stopped stocking anything that wasn't "essential" and to me crochet while stuck home is mentally essential.  Crazy times for sure.

I came home and spent a while scrubbing my outdoor cushions with upholstery cleaner.  At least I was productive in that way.


  1. I have noticed that our Walmart has slim pickins on many items as well. I never thought that it was only essential items that they were stocking. I guess they need stock help so they can stock more.

  2. All these stores stupid. Putting themselves out of business by not stocking items. I've already boycotted Joanns they let in 1 customer for every 1000 feet of store space. I shop mom and pop, or online for craft supplies. no more box stores. They've done it to themselves. This is beyond ridiculous already, people are just putting up with it. "SHEEPEOPLE".

  3. Much the same in our local store essential items only, I suppose that really does depend on your definition of essential. All crafting supplies would be essential on my list.

  4. Carol, I went to our Meijer and they had their supplies fully stocked in the yarn area.

  5. Faith, I'm sick of it too. I can order online but hate the shipping.

  6. Kristina I have extra crochet hooks. Id be glad to send you what you need. email me your address and what you need. It pays to have a hoarder husband some days.

  7. Lisa B, thank you for your offer, but I eventually found one at our Meijer store the other day. Thanks for thinking of me though.


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