Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Rain and other tidbits

Tuesday morning we finally got some of Mother Nature's medicine for the gardens.  It was very much welcomed.

We also celebrated our one daughter's 21st birthday (she baked and frosted her own cake), and we celebrated it by going out to eat and buying her first adult drink.

Daughter and I went to the "Big City" to get our licenses renewed.  Her renewal was easy, but because mine expired during this virus mess, I had to have all sorts of information brought with me.  I dug through paperwork and actually found every single thing I needed for my renewal.  It took us an hour to get through the process.  We timed it right, with only 17 people ahead of us, but a very long line behind us.

We have purchased one car thankfully too.  However, we need 2 more to be completely functional, so we are car shopping for the daughter who turned 21.

View from our front porch last evening.  


  1. Happy birthday to your daughter. A joy to see the deer, what a wonderful sight.

  2. Thank you mamasmercantile, I will tell her.

  3. Well, a happy happy birthday to your daughter with sincere prayers for many many more. That's a gorgeous cake. Wish I had the knack, but I don't though I do have other talents. Praise God!!!
    Our state's (NC) COVID numbers went up again, probably from people gathering at the beach or in protests, so the governor extended our stay-at-home until mid-July and required that everyone outside of their own home or car must wear face masks. So that's that! I've also heard that NY is thinking about closing their borders to those trying to come in from other states who have rising COVID rates too. So I'm thinking summer is pretty much blown, and unless people stay at home and wear face masks, it will blow Thanksgiving and Christmas too, so I hope all start obeying CDC's recommendations.
    Been hot and dry here. Might get some rain here tonight. But we're in the pattern where the farmer's crops are in and they either get burned up in the field or get pummeled to the ground and drowned. That's NC, at least it is nowadays. For the farmer's sake, I pray that doesn't happen this year.
    I pray everyone is fit and healthy, and stays that way obeying the CDC's and their state's health recommendations. Remember, we may be hearing news stories of this virus, but we aren't hearing every story every nurse has to tell, and the ones I've heard from friends who are nurses are awful, even for young people.
    God bless.

  4. Thanks RB, I think all his covid stuff will disappear after voting in Nov. Just my thoughts on it all.

  5. I might believe that were true, but the entire VAMC system, including DAV which I use to get to the VA are all closed down except for emergencies, and even those you have to call in first so they can try to reroute you to a closer civilian hospital.
    The White House has control over that VAMC system. If COVID 19 were just for political purposes, the White House would have them up and running, just to show that.
    God bless.


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