Monday, June 22, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday

We had a Father's Day cookout to go to yesterday.  It was nice to see family, but there were people there I didn't even know and we all sort of didn't mingle that much.  I talked to some, but not all.  It was also very hot outside.

I also took a cold fruit salad (homemade, not store bought), but when I went inside it wasn't put out. When I asked about it, I was told that there was more dessert so mine wasn't needed basically.  So why bother making something I thought?   Why ask us to all bring a side dish?  I put it out anyway, and it was basically gone by the time we left.  

We later went to test drive a car. My car is toast.  It will require a new engine.  So tired of the car situation, but hopefully it will change if we find one (need 2 more vehicles).
Today I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The weather . . .
Well, it was to rain all day yesterday.  We got a 10 second rain shower.  Rain is in the forecast today.  Not sure I want to even trust their forecast anymore.

How I am feeling this morning . . .
Tired.  I need to stay accountable today.  My to-do list isn't even written out yet, but so far this is on the list...
-make garlic scape pesto
-make garlic scape-radish spread
-depending on weather, dehydrate oregano and sage
-total kitchen clean up
-check on laundry
-shampoo hallway
-clean up hearth area
-check snap peas
-errands if I have a vehicle (I need stamps like 2 weeks ago)
-clean up office area

On my mind . . .
Our one daughter's birthday.  She'll turn 21.  Trying to figure out how to celebrate it.

On the breakfast plate . . .
Have no idea.  We have one egg right now, ha ha!  It's gonna be a challenge depending on how many eggs are in the coop.  I have no vehicle to go to the store this morning.

On my reading pile . . .

On the TV . . .
The Reliant.  If you are concerned about what will happen if the government fails, this movie is spot on.  Scary, but makes you really think if you have prepped enough for something like this.

On the menu this week . . .
Pork tenderloin, snap peas with asparagus
Spaghetti, corn
Meatballs with sauce, quinoa or rice, veggie
Salmon patties, veggie
(just ideas, and have no idea if this will happen)

From the camera . . .

My wild growing mullein is about 4 feet tall and blooming now.

Looking around the house . . .
Lots to do. Lots to do....

Chore I am not looking forward to this week . . .
Have no idea yet.  I haven't written out my to-do list yet.

To relax I will . . .

On my prayer list . . .
A family friend, who lost her son to an overdose. Everyone in law enforcement.  


  1. Glad you put your fruit salad out and it was a hit! Cold fruit salad is always a hit in hot weather. Hope you find a new car soon. That movie sounds interesting. Perhaps I'll check it out. Hope you have a wonderful week! (Forgot to add, I'm so very sorry four your loss. Prayers to you and your friend and her family)

  2. Thanks Jean, a cold salad on a hot day is so nice.

  3. Hope you find lots of eggs and a new car. Hard to know what to do for a 21st birthday with the state our world is in right now. I hope she will enjoy it no matter what you decide. Stay safe and have a good productive week :)

  4. I agree why bother to ask for something if you don't put it out? A cold fruit salad always hits the spot!
    I will look for that movie.
    Hope the car situation resolves quickly.
    Have a great week

  5. We've had a beautiful soft gentle rain for about 2 hours this morning. It looks like it may have stopped, but not before everything got a good dose of mother natures love.
    A fresh homemade fruit salad would have been perfect for yesterday's weather. Refreshing and hydrating. Glad you followed up with your dish and brought it outside.Your hostess was not the mostess. Good day to relax and crochet, I did that a wee bit yesterday. Today I worked on the spotty hen mini quilt, I am sew challenged, and isn't fun for me. But I'm getting it done, and then I can add the applique. Absolutley praying for our country, our police, and our president.

  6. So sorry to read about your friend's loss, that is so sad.

    The mullein looks very impressive, I've not heard of that plant before but its flowers look very pretty.

    Have a lovely week.

  7. A homemade fruit salad is always a big hit on a hot day. Hope you manage to find a suitable car soon. I would find it very difficult without one.

  8. Faith your projects sound very relaxing. I hope to get more time for that.

  9. Sarah H, mullein is great for making tinctures for upper respiratory issues, lung etc.

  10. mamasmercantile, it's been horrible not having the vehicles we need. Ugh. Hoping to fix that soon.

  11. I will have to look up that book - looks right up my alley:-)
    Maybe writing your to-do list is what you are not looking forward to - heehee. That sounds like something I would have. Be sure to add a couple things that are almost done so you get to scratch them off quickly - motivation to keep going.
    Have a beautiful day - rain or shine (we are at 91 with expected high of 94)

  12. So sorry for your friend's loss. I hope your car gets fixed soon. Have a lovely week!


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