Sunday, May 3, 2020

What's Cookin'?

We had a high of 77°F, Hubby had to work, so I worked around the house etc.  Even though we took a nice long ride with our motorcycle friends, I logged 20,000 steps on my fitbit.

Here's a few pictures of what's been cookin'.

 Sun dried tomato hummus.  Recipe to come.

Mustard dip for the pretzels.

Whiskey Stix with homemade garlic powder and organic cayenne.

Crock pot chicken and wild rice (no cream sauce) and roasted asparagus with rosemary.  This was a new recipe and very good despite no cream sauce in the rice.  One daughter, who hates mushrooms, ate her entire plate.  The recipe is online at "Today" and is called Slow-Cooker Chicken and Wild Rice Casserole.

Easy Broccoli and Cheese Egg Bake
Recipe is online at "It's a Veg World After All" and I just adapted organic ingredients and added garlic powder.  I like to use a large onion with this recipe.  The crunch and flavor from the onion is great together in this recipe..


  1. All looks delicious. I like using my crock pot so I am going to look at the recipe for the chicken dish. Looks wonderful.

  2. WOW!!! The Broccoli Cheese Egg Bake looks amazing. Does it have a crust? Cause I'm gluten sensitive, so I couldn't have a crust, but I bet it could be done without a crust too, like crustless quiche.
    Still sequestered here, but Bro Tom takes me for a ride on his one day off a week. Today we went to NC's Topsail Beach. We didn't get out, just drove there, looked at the sights along the way and the ocean when we got there, then headed home. It was very enjoyable, and I think I'm probably going to sleep good tonight. LOL
    Had a telephone appointment with my doctor today. She's at the VA in Durham and they're trying to keep patients away from there except for emergencies. I had taken my blood sugar test, my temp, my blood pressure and pulse earlier and gave her those numbers. She was pleased with them. She's changing my cholesterol med because the Lipitor was giving me aches and pains that I didn't need on top of the others. She's going to try to get me back into VA Ortho for my lumbar problems and right shoulder torn rotator cuff pain later this year, after this COVID 19 settles down for sure.
    I asked her if she thought we were all going to get it anyway. She said there was probably a 60-85% chance we would, but like not playing in the road when we were kids, no sense taking unnecessary risks now until they find a cure or vaccine for it.
    I also read where the University of PA is working with dogs to see if dogs can be trained to scent out COVID 19 to weed out the asymptomatic people before they infect people. I found that interesting.
    Here things are blooming. Noses and eyes are running. And that's that in NC. LOL
    Prayers everyone has a great week.
    God bless.

  3. RB, it does not have a crust. It is very good too. I read that about the dogs too. Here's praying that they come up with a solution that does not go against our rights.


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