Monday, May 4, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday

Quarantine Day 50.

I'm not sure if you can see the trunk of our peach tree, but it has fungus.  I can't remember what was recommended to treat it.  Was it a neem type spray?  

I have been reading about how putting garlic powder in your chicken's feed mix is good for them (saw it on PBS as well), but didn't get the measurements.  Also, how often?  Like every other month?  Or does anyone even do this?

Asparagus is coming up now, and I am starting to harvest it.

My 9 tray dehydrator is full of onions now.  I'm making diced onions and onion powder with some of them.  That takes care of 7 lbs of onions.  I have 4 lbs saved for another stock up project.  That is in this week's plans.

My to-do list is on-going.  There is so much on it for the next two weeks, so I'm crossing my fingers we stay on task, although we will have some rainy days.  We expect a frost this coming weekend, so nothing is being planted this week.

The nice thing about Happy Homemaker Monday, is that it makes me stay on track with what day it is.  

Today I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom. 

The weather . . . 
High of 60°F and sunny.  Yesterday we hit 80°F.

How I am feeling this morning . . .
Sick of watching the media anymore.  So many conflicting information, and so many people fighting about masks on, or masks off, gatherings and whatnot.  Just sick of it all.

On my mind . . .
See above.  In addition, would you book a hotel this fall somewhere, knowing that healthcare workers stayed in them to keep their families at home safe?  I know our lodging on the island is safe, but would bring cleaners, Lysol, etc.  I'm pretty sure the cabin we rent in the hills would be fine, but i'm on the fence with hotels/motels.

On the breakfast plate . . . 
Have no idea yet.  I may update this later.

On my reading pile . . .
Call of the Wild, by Jack London

On my TV . . .
Anything on Amazon Prime or regular TV.   

On the menu this week . . .
-Oven Mac n' cheese, green beans
-Basil roasted chicken in the crockpot, 2 veggies
-Beef enchiladas, (not sure on side yet),
-birthday dinner for Hubby - sloppy joes, sweet potato fries, strawberry pie

From the camera . . .

This was Sunday morning's sunrise.

Looking around the house . . .
There is a lot that needs done.  

To relax this week I will . . .
Crochet, journal, knit, tat.

On my prayer list . . .
Our President
Our country, any personal request.


  1. What beautiful photos of the sunrise. I have never come across putting garlic powder in the chicken feed. I would be most interested in your findings. Take care.

  2. Beautiful pictures of the sunset!! Basil chicken sounds very yummy!!! I love fresh cut basil.

  3. Naysayer prez does need prayers if he would stick to the truth, but what about the front-line healthcare workers, police, fire fighters, EMTs, clerks in grocery stores, meat packers, those sick and will not recover, our families, you and me, the world? Sorry, just my two cents worth.

  4. What a gorgeous sunrise! I don't know about the fungus but the blooms on your peach tree are very pretty as well. I find taking media breaks helps my mood so much. Staying informed is one thing but I don't need 24/7 updates about one topic. Not sure on the hotel room. I'd think it wouldn't be any different than during flu season really, just look when you get there and make sure it meets your cleanliness standards. Everything I've read said the virus was easily killed by cleaners. So you'd hope they'd be cleaning up after each guest anyway. I don't know. Hope you have a great week with lots of sunshine!

  5. Those sunrises! I am also sick of the media...all we can do is pray and keep on keeping on

  6. Thanks mamasmercantile, I'll continue to look into it.

  7. Joanne, I'll be sharing the recipe once we try it (new recipe)

  8. Mother Em, I see both sides, but I do feel he has done more for the country than the past, and now it's coming out that Obama and Fauci funded the study of this said virus in Wuhan. There are a lot of questions, but I like to keep politics off my blog.

  9. Jean, we have zero guests at our home, but we are cleaning. Any visitor if that, would be an outside 6 foot visit. Not inside.

  10. I've mostly stopped listening to media too. I am just trying to be a good citizen and staying home as much as possible and wearing a mask when I have to go out. Beautiful photos.

  11. Sharon, thank you. It was a beautiful start to the day. So pretty.

  12. I have never heard of the garlic powder in chicken feed, that sounds interesting. Ohhh your asparagus look amazing, I wanted some and had them on my list when I went grocery shopping, but there were none at our local commissary.

    Girl, I am with you on the virus thing, it's getting ridiculous, we need to start being responsible for our own healths and safety. There is far too much back and forth, and the more I dig into things, the more disgusted I am with some of the things I'm finding out about Fauci, WHO etc. But, yeah, I don't like talking politics on my blog or others, it always causes issues lol

    Hope you have a fantastic week :)

  13. Sandra, I watched a PBS show about the garlic in the chicken feed, but they didn't give measurements. I am so curious about it, but no one yet has offered advice. I've googled, yet nothing, and of course the libraries are closed for resources. Ugh. I can't wait for the library to open again. Yeah, there is a lot of fighting about politics right now.

  14. I always learn new things here! ... garlic powder.... onion dehydrations, :)

    I have not watched the news in last 2 weeks... don't miss it... so much negativity.

    Have a great end of the week


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