Friday, May 8, 2020

Tilling Started ~ Wind Damage ~ Rhubarb Vodka

Three hours of work, but it doesn't look like much.  That pea fence is about 40 feet long.  We got started, so that feels good.

(wind damage)

Wind kicked up to a nasty speed, so we quit for the day.  We'll resume again today.  Our frost warning for tonight is now a freeze warning.  Not the kind of May weather we normally have.  I can't believe we are having this cold weather right now.

Tonight we hit a possible low of 28°F.  Unheard of for May.  My chicks need to be re-homed to the barn, but now I cannot do that until possible next Wed. thanks to the weather.  They are out growing their home indoors.  I'll be covering my rhubarb, garlic, asparagus, and herbs in the herb garden that have already shown spring growth.

I started a triple batch of rhubarb vodka last night.  Today we add the vodka.  You can find the recipe HERE with photos from last years.  


  1. We were trying to get some yard work yesterday and the wind kicked up too, we had to abandon our task. Had big storms overnight with strong winds and the winds are still going strong this morning, so I'm staying indoors. Wind always kicks up my allergy induced asthma so it's best to avoid. LOL

    Your Rhubarb vodka sounds interesting, I'll have to take a look.

    Hope you're having a good week so far.

  2. We've had that wind too. We were not able to set our started plants outside in the sun for several days due to the wind.

  3. Thanks Sandra, other than battling this wacky weather we are doing good.

  4. Wildflower Adventures, I cannot harden my plants here either. Way too cold and way too windy as well.

  5. This cold snap is crazy! And so is your wind damage!

    I envy your rhubarb - so many wonderful tings to make with it. I've tried to grow it, but can't find a spot where it can survive the heat of our summers.

  6. Leigh, it is crazy. I do have to remind myself to water the rhubarb often. It's in a raised bed.


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