Saturday, May 9, 2020

Birthday Lunch ~ Other Tidbits

As predicted it's a chilly (but sunny) 28°F out this morning.

One of our daughter's (who has the grand kids) surprised us with a combined birthday cake for lunch yesterday.  We were both gifted birthday gifts and I also received Mother's Day gifts (not all gifts shown).  It was a nice surprise.

We spent the evening covering up the garlic, rhubarb, asparagus, medicinal potted plants etc.  Just to be safe, I also drained my rain barrel and flipped it upside down.   There was ice out this morning, but we'll warm up to the high 40's, possibly low 50's.  I am sure we will have zero apples and peaches now.  The blossoms are gone sadly.


  1. What a shame, the temperatures dropped here too. Thankfully we managed to get most things covered. Take care.

  2. Kristina, I just wanted to wish you a wonderful Mother’s Day. I enjoy your blog and although I don’t have as many children as you, my son and his wife and two young boys have moved in with us for six weeks until they can close on their new home. It has been a wonderful time, one that I will cherish forever. My youngest grandson keeps asking why we can’t all live together. I would in a heartbeat and I think my daughter-in-law would not mind. She is a wonderful mom and has taken good care of my husband and I as I finish up 33 days of radiation.Besides being a wonderful cook, she is thoughtful and kind. I am so blessed to have them all. And while I worry about those that have lost their jobs, I am thankful that my husband has been off of work the whole time and is able to take me to all of my treatments. God works in mysterious way. Blessings to your family and keep on blogging. You are appreciated.

    Robin Malloy

  3. Well hey, Happy Birthday to you both and Happy Mother's day to YOU!!!
    Though we're far south of you, some of the neighbor's fruits and vegetables have suffered too. Some got out and covered things (like we did) and some did not.
    We're hoping they will reboot (sort of) and give us a bumper crop because we forgot to cover the Mulberry Trees. They get big, but these are still small enough we COULD have covered them. :(
    So with all that's going on in the US with illness, weather, snowstorms in May - what's next? Godzilla rising up from the Atlantic Ocean to ravage the coastal towns? smh
    What on earth? Have we angered Mother Nature so much? Perhaps so.
    Praying for a better week ahead, for COVID 19 to pass over us all and for a cure or vaccine to be found and approved quickly, in Christ Jesus name. AMEN!!!
    God Bless You All.

  4. Robin, thank you so much, and I am glad you have so much help during this time of pandemic.

  5. Thank you RB, it's been a celebration week here.


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