Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Routine ~ Ups and Downs ~ Healthy Snacks

There was no problem staying busy with my routine back to just me, other than the girls are home.  I had a lot on my to-do list, and 3 of us were fighting over the washing machine.

There is much stress here.  The car was worked on last night, but continues to not start.  On top of that my husband has to work with someone exposed to a person who tested positive (it's been 2 weeks, but this is more stress to worry about).  Hubby said his boss looks like he aged 20 years since he saw him last.  Also, our daughter who works had a co-worker show up for work who claimed she was tested due to being around a positive case (she was sent home).  So much to worry about, and there is too many false negative and false positive testing right now.  What can we believe to be true?  You are lucky if you have no one working in your house.  

On top of that, the girls are fighting but it's mostly because of one of them, and I'm about to lose my mind.  Being stuck in and the worry and fear this government has put on us is bad for everyone.  For the first time in a long, long time, I am worried about my husband.

I'm done with watching our Governor's briefings.  They say they have drive thru testing, but only if you have 3 symptoms, yet on the briefing they are saying they are testing people with no symptoms and testing positive, yet saying we lack test kits.  Who is to believe?  I can't watch it anymore, as I feel they are misleading us with many lies and confusion.  Also, if we all have it, how did we get it?  Did they put it in our food?  Our water?  One big headache.  Again, be glad if you have no one working right now. 

I made sure I sent at least a text to my younger brother who is homeschooling two young kids, and now has to do it then rest of the year.  He is so good about being positive in a rough time.  I hope I made him laugh.  We need more of that.  So yeah, our schools here are not going back, and continuing the end of the year online.  

I made coconut fruit and nut bars and a batch of hummus.  Yummy healthy snacks for us.  The nut bar recipe is online from King Arthur Flour recipes (uses coconut flour).  I use whatever nuts and fruit I have and this time used hemp seeds since I didn't have whole flax seeds.  Don't have almond butter?  Peanut butter works great.

I hope you are all doing well.


  1. I've been done with the Governor & the sidekick. Her voice is annoying. Have not listened for about one week almost 2 now. They are talking in circles as you said. We have not even begun phase 1 yet,and he keeping the schools closed which was in phase 2. Trusting is hard to do right now. And will be more difficult as we go forward in Ohio.

  2. Sorry you are so stressed. We are fortunate in that our eldest daughter (who has moved back home) has her own jewellery business on eBay, though she is just giving that a wee holiday as she wants to avoid going to the Post Office (especially for piffling little sales). Our other two children are coping fine on their own in different Welsh cities, but we worry about them all the same.

    My daughter's been making her own hummus too, and we've always cooked from scratch, made our own bread etc. I managed to get a delivery of good granary bread flour (big 10 Kg bag) today on-line, so am glad about that.

    I think whatever Government you have, you don't entirely trust them at the moment as this virus is such an unknown, in treatment, survival rate, rate of infection, etc. Human contact with infected people is the one sure thing we know how it is passed on. We can just grit out teeth and carry on as best we can. I think New Zealand is a good place to be as their (woman!) Prime Minister is honest, clever and sensible. She has dealt with earthquakes, terrorist attacks and now this with dignity and intelligence. Unlike some leaders we could mention!

    Keep safe.

  3. Faith, it is so frustrating. They want more test kits and more, but say we may have to do the 6 foot distance the rest of the year.

  4. Bovey I just watched a video about Fauci and how he sent a ton of money to that Wuhan China lab to study the virus and that the US shut the study down, but he somehow sent the money (criminal offense they say) and used bats to study it. It was a very eye opening video about him, and the President will look into an investigation.


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