Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Recipe Books ~ Mail Delivery ~ Two New Recipes

No that we lack recipes, but I am starting to lack some ingredients.  I do not want to go to the store, so I am thankful I have recipe books like this....

I also placed an order for a few more books, and one is on making your own medicine (I do have books on this, but wanted more).

My son purchased this for our daughter.  It is to hold his ashes.  I was doing pretty well about this lately, until it showed up.  I just about cried.  However, I do love the photo she picked, because that's what I remember about my "tater tot" and boy do I miss him a lot. Since we are under shut-in, I texted her photos of it.  She called him "Pooh Bear" and he even had a Pooh Bear Halloween costume at one time.

Well, as far as homesteading around here, the weather got cooler.  

I made egg salad, some breakfast veggie muffins with dandelion greens, and a new recipe of dill pickle dip, using home canned pickles.  As for the recipe for the dip, I just googled for one.

New recipe I tried for a side for dinner - Rachel Ray's Baked Salt and Vinegar Smashed Potatoes (online on her site, from another cook).  Forgot to take a photo, but wasn't really impressed.  I added the vinegar after they came out of the oven, and didn't even taste it.  They were simply smashed baked potatoes, and good, just not fantastic.

I hope to have time to get around to reading your blogs today.  I've lacked the time lately, due to a busy routine, which I am thankful for.


  1. The More-with-Less Cookbook is one of my favorites, too.

  2. Mama Pea, it does have some good recipes.

  3. It is still cool here but at least the sun is shining which lifts our mood. We managed to sow some more seeds and then pot on some that we have had a little success with. Love the look of the cookbook very appropriate at the moment with the lack of ingredients. Take care.


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