Monday, April 20, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday

Sunday was a more productive day.  I made more homemade "lysol" wipes, cleaned sinks, did some laundry, cleaned up the kitchen, and kept the wood stove stoked.  We were to get up to 60°F, but the house still had a chill inside.

We got my car out of quarantine (via trailer) and have a friend working on it.  I picked up limbs, branches (some 20-some feet long), twigs and sticks, while Hubby finished up the mowing.

I am thankful for the folks donating masks to first responders and the like vs. those making them just for income.  I found a gal who is making one for my one brother for free.  Our state is requiring that we wear one in stores etc. and may be wearing them for more than a year.  I'll be spending more time at home, and spending way less money on take out for sure.  I mean, how in the world can restaurants afford to operate with 10 customers and how in the world can we go in wearing a mask and eat a meal at the same time?

The clerks and restaurant employees wearing gloves is a joke too.  Unless they are changing them between every customer, wearing gloves is not protecting the buyer one bit.

Today I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The weather outside is . . . 
High of 60° and sunny.  I still have the wood stove going.

How I'm feeling this morning . . .
I bit depressed, as Hubby went back to work today.  Not sure if they will continue the 2 weeks off/on now that out state is lifting the shut-in order May 1st.

On my mind . . .
Well, what isn't on my mind?  Seriously, at a time like this.  Will I ever get to hug my Mom or Dad, sit around a table at a family gathering?  Hold my grand kids?  Dance at a bar?  Participate in a bike week in our state?  Get a trip to the island, cabin in the hills or cabin in TN this year?  Sell at a craft show?  

On the breakfast plate. . .

Coconut flour pancakes and sausage because my waffle maker no worky.  They taste the same, but don't have the height.

On my reading pile . . .

On the TV . . .
Whatever we find interesting on netflix (if we can get it to work, since the internet is off and on lately).

On the menu . . .
-soup beans, fried cabbage
-walleye/perch and homemade fries
-bruschetta chicken, salt and vinegar potatoes, beets
-not sure on the rest yet

From the camera . . .
Hard to believe this was a few days ago.  No snow now.

These are up for sale on my "farm" blog, but I'm sure no one has money to spend right now.

Looking around the house . . .
It's looking a less bit cramped.  Our daughter who moved back in is slowly getting her belongings upstairs.

Chore I am not looking forward to this week . . .
To be honest I'm looking forward to any chore right now.  It keeps me moving and keeps myself in a routine.

To relax I will . . .
Porch time, crochet, or knit.  Bake.  It makes me happy.

Yesterday I baked some banana bread with walnuts and mini-chocolate chips.  It smelled fantastic, as I have not been doing this sort of baking (conserving the flour and the fact we are shut in and could put on some extra pounds).  In fact, we left to go on a motorcycle ride, and when we got home, my working daughter said she could smell it right away and went searching for it, ha ha!

Prayers. . . 
Mom, Dad (elderly shut in), one brother (first responder), the president, the world, us, a new baby born into our family and no one can see him yet.


  1. Prayers things improve soon. It's hard to stay positive when things are so different (different day to day it seems). That photo is beautiful though looks a tad out of place for late April. Your banana bread picture reminds me I planned to make banana muffins this morning, better get on that before it becomes afternoon. Hope you have a wonderful week full of sunshine!

  2. Homemade Lysol wipes! That's awesome. I, too, am thankful for those that are donating their talents and materials to help our essential workers and those in need. There is a distillery near us that has stopped production of vodka and is making hand sanitizer to give out for free to those in need. I also have a dear friend from church making hundreds of masks. This is a time we all need to come together and help one another. I'm so thankful that there are people willing and able to help. Your banana bread looks amazing!

  3. Strange and very difficult times. The cake looked delicious, making me hungry.

  4. Joanne, I agree. Thanks. The bread was delicious. They acted like they won the lottery when I baked it, ha ha!

  5. That bread looks delicious. Homemade lysol wipes - great idea. I'm thinking I might have to make a few masks, we'll see

  6. Oh, I adore that snow photo!

    We are lucky here (we live so remote that no-one wants to travel here), our restrictions are limited to 10 people (not incl immediate family) and no forced shut ins. We have only had 28 cases in my state, no deaths, and no person to person transmission. All cases have been off cruise ships into the capital, or travellers returning home from OS.

    Feeling very blessed to live in the best country in the world right now, that's for sure! Feeling very sorry for the USA and other EU countries that are seeing thousands or cases and hundreds of deaths, it is unfathomable.

    We still have the fear and worry here (single mama to two immune compromised kiddos), but it is not overwhelming.

    Have you been able to FaceTime the new baby? Just think of how very sweet that first cuddle will be when you get to have it xx

  7. Luludou, I've been making homemade wipes way before this started, but it's hard to find the rubbing alcohol here now.

  8. Daydreams, I have not thought about doing a facetime with the new baby. That's a good idea. Thanks.

  9. Kristina,, we will get through this trying times,, and then we will celebrate and make up for lost months... In the mean time,, enjoy baking and being crafty...
    I find I am getting in more reading,, and currently we are having some nice weather,, so I play outside as much as I can..

  10. Katmom, there are so many things I need to make, so I am definitely busy most days inside or outside.


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