Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Busy Kitchen Day ~ Dogs

Quarantine day 17.

Daily disinfecting of switches, knobs, toilet handles/buttons, wiped once a day.

Photos of my day yesterday.  Well, some of them.

Fed well.

Boiled eggs from last pick up.  Didn't have enough of my own, and was craving egg salad and just boiled eggs for snacking.

(computer screen) Worked on gaining more points to keep our health insurance cost down while the eggs boiled.

Picked out a favorite recipe for our next meal.  Four Beans and Sausage.

Breakfast frittata with onion, zucchini, spinach and fire powder.

Check out the difference from our farm fresh eggs and the ones from the store.  I am hoping for more eggs from them today.

I baked King Flour's recipe for flourless peanut butter chocolate chip cookies.  They are packed with peanut butter flavor, but I still like Einkorn flour peanut butter cookies better.  The family was happy anyway.

I didn't get photos of the dogs, as I knew I'd wake them up, and that wasn't happening.  Yesterday was a much calmer day as far as it goes with the dogs.  They were just under a lot of stress yesterday.  We may just get the dog fence knocked off the to-do list soon.

My chicks are getting wings feathers.


  1. Super happy that you are getting into a calmer zen environment... lol! Those cookies look great, and dish me up a big helping of that frittata please. What is your weather like today? We are overcast and cooler than I’d like it to be, but happy for the peas in the ground, because they seem to thrive in the cooler temps. What are you working on today? We are building some beds alongside the garden for more herbs. Have a wonderful day!

  2. Hi, Janie's Mill has organic Einkorn flour. I dont know if the prices are any good, but i thought you might like to know. Irene

  3. Janie's Mill has organic einkorn flour. Thought you might like to know. I dont know if the prices are good but hope it helps.

  4. wyomingheart, thanks for asking. It's cooler here today - 44°F and my house is much colder than normal (no split wood as Hubby is working his 2 weeks on right now). I am busy in my kitchen - made one quart of Four Thieves Vinegar, and a batch of 5th Chakra herbal syrup. I may dehydrate some mushrooms using my smaller dehydrator, then it's back to laundry. We do have a long to-do list when Hubby is off work for 2 weeks. The scary part is that his next 2 weeks to work after is time off is when our state is said to peak with the virus.

  5. The cookies looked delicious and I am always up for frittata it looks good. You can certainly tell the difference between your own fresh eggs and others. Glad the dogs are settling. Stay safe.

  6. "Daily disinfecting of switches, knobs, toilet handles/buttons, wiped once a day." I know that tune, and about the time you think you've gotten everything, you remember something else that needs disinfected. Our new normal.
    I remember Martha Stewart showing us the difference between store bought eggs and the ones she brought from home on her show. There was even a difference in the omelets she made with them individually. Interesting!!!
    As a child, I remember when our chicks first started getting wing feathers. We were so excited. Little did we know one day they'd end up on our dinner plate. LOL
    Just been holding down the fort here, like most others are. Bro Tom goes to cook at the assisted living facility some mornings and to the grocery store in the afternoon.
    The stores all have to be closed in NC by 5pm, but he has a special permit the store gave him so he can be out beyond that if his produce truck arrives late. I asked him, what good is it if you have to give it to the officer, then the officer gives it back, and thereby is contamination. He said he didn't have to give it to an officer, just hold it up to his window and the officer would see it and understand.
    He said our town police showed up at his store at 6pm yesterday and started forcing lagging customers out of the store, threatening fines or jail if they didn't leave. I don't know if that was real or an April Fool's joke, but he said it was real cause they couldn't get customers to leave the store at 5pm. smh
    Some people simply aren't taking this seriously enough, until/unless someone they know gets sick. Then they learn, the hard way which is sad.
    Dear Lord, though I know we don't deserve it because of all the stress we've put upon the earth, please take us all into Your mighty loving healing hands to protect and heal us of this plague upon this planet, In Christ Jesus name. AMEN!!!
    With love.
    God bless.


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