Thursday, April 2, 2020

Sad news!

I have a ton of photos, but the more I look through them the more I cry.  I spent most of the day on the phone with my daughter who owns Jesse.  He took a turn for the worse, and went to Heaven yesterday.  Cancer.

I had a post ready for today, so you will get that tomorrow.  I need a day to just accept this all.  My heart is breaking, but he's in Heaven with the Gus and Sadie, and barn cats Joey, Timmy and Sapphire.

Rest in peace Jesse.  Due to the virus and the stay at home order, I could not get one last visit with him either.  Thankfully, she was allowed to go in and with one person (her older sister).  She later told me she had plans to visit after this virus was over with.  I just wish I could have seen him one more time.


  1. I'm so sorry.... Sad news indeed. He was the reason I started following... I am partial to blue eyed dogs. RIP beautiful boy.

  2. Annie in Ocala, I am taking this so hard. I wanted one last visit, and she had planned to do that after the shut in order was released. He was 12 1/2 years old. Just breaks my heart, but glad she did the right thing to call for help. She didn't want him to suffer anymore and she is out of a job and no income yet.

  3. We get so very attached to our animals. Twelve and a half is a good long life for a dog, but even that is not long enough for those who have bonded with a four-legged companion. So sorry this happened at a time when it was impossible for you to give him one last hug and loving.

  4. I am so sorry for your loss. Such sad news they are such a big part of family life.

  5. Certainly feel your frustration and sorrow. Sending strength and prayers.

  6. So sorry Kristina, I know he meant so much to you.

  7. OH I am so sorry to hear of this. I know that he was a huge part of your family and your separation had not been easy. I will keep you in my prayers.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. RIP Jesse. Say people say pets are just animals. WRONG! They are a huge part of the family unit. Who else would protect you, give you nonstop kisses until you push them off, lay beside you for as long as you do, and greet you when you come home as if you'd been gone months instead of ten minutes each and every time? Just a dog that's who. Just an animal, PFFT! Humans are just animals too.

    Go ahead and grieve, Kristina. We'll be here to to give you virtual hugs.


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