Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Happy New Year!

I'll admit 2019 brought much sadness, tribulations, and frustrations (especially the gardens), but it also had good memories like our huge 20th wedding anniversary party, as well as celebrating our 21st (with plans for a 2020 getaway for that).

I used to be a resolution type gal, but not anymore.  I would say it's about moving on in the season, and adjusting.  I am looking forward to new memories, new experiences, possibly getting some jobs checked off the list, a better attitude (regardless of what Mother Nature may bring us this year), and a few more sanity saver getaways.  

I am a proud mother to at least two of the girls, who we were able to share the experience of going off grid in 2019. The island experience for them was incredible.  I am so glad we could do that, and hope to take them again in the future.  They talk about their trips, and when life gets complicated and hectic, the talk about their "off grid" time and how it rejuvenated their souls (and look forward to going back).  With today's technology, it's so important to teach kids to get off their phones/electronics and disconnect.

Porch time has always been somewhere we all chat, revive, relax, and enjoy good memories too.  I captured many beautiful sunrises from the front porch.  

Whatever your plans are for the New Year, I wish you all well.  Let's pray the Weather Gods give us all a break this year and may your gardens be bountiful and your plans be prosperous.  Just don't be so busy (note to self), that you miss out on living "life."


  1. I definitely echo your last paragraph! Happy, happy New Year to you and yours!

  2. Happy New Year Kristina! I'm happy to see 2019 in the rear view mirror too, it's been an odd year for me. 2020 is going to be fabulous! I don't do resolutions either!

  3. Happy New Year to you and your family and good riddance to 2019!

  4. Happy New Year - 2020 is going to be great. Your final sentiment is beautiful and kind. Now, can I tease you a little bit about the "20th Weeding Anniversary"? You are very punny, even if not on purpose!
    Wishing you and your family only the best.

  5. Happy new year Kristina! Here's hoping 2020 is 20/20 (no hindsight)for you too.

  6. Ha ha ha! Debby, I didn't even see that error, so funny! Happy New Year!


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