Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Romeo Takes a Run ~ First Submission Done ~ Tiger's High Space Won!

After Romeo just about gave me a heart attack, by getting the zoomies and zooming right out of his collar in 4 degree weather (and putting me on a chase in pajamas and a carhartt), I finished up the housework. 

So thankful for leftovers on a Monday yesterday, which left me time to write.  It was a small story, and submitted yesterday.  It's not for pay, but a byline and free copy of their publication (if published).  It's something to get me started up again.  I feel so good about writing again, but I know summer will bring a lot of work time.

I didn't get papers filed.  Tiger was not having anything to do with Romeo.  He took to my computer area and up he went.  Away from the dog, ha ha!


  1. Oh I have certainly had a few moments like that with this new dog. I luckily do not have to use a leash, but he took off into the neighbor's yard so I had to go chase him in my pajamas and jacket.

  2. Oh Carol, I'm so glad I'm not the only one. We really need a fence up, but we never seem to have the time or want to commit to it. I think after yesterday, we now know it has to be a tall one. At least we know he can sail over a 4 foot gate. Sigh. I hope it won't break the bank, but we do need the fence.

  3. Romeo is so cute! If I had to walk a dog every time they had to go out I wouldn't have one! LOL! I spent a lot of time training mine to stay in the yard when I first got them. Now I'm too old and tired to run around training one. Glad you got back to your writing. I know how much it means to you. Tiger is cute too!

  4. Sam I Am, I think this training and caring for a new dog in the house, has us re-thinking of getting one for us, but it's not out of the question. We may adopt an older dog down the road. We live in the country, so a fence is a must.

  5. Cats and dogs often do get their way, don't they. Right now, every time I leave MY recliner to get into the computer chair to try to get caught up on emails, 3 cats (Momma & 2 young'uns) take it over right away. And when I go to take it back, the looks they give me could kill. ROFLOL
    Cold has set in and with it, so has aches and pains, but nothing awful this year so far. And at least we're not getting the snow the upper midwest and northeast is getting. Praise and Thank God!!!
    Our oldest brother who has liver C had a heart attack last night from the new chemo meds. The bad news just keeps rolling in for him sadly, but we're keeping hope and prayers for him.
    God is good and miracles DO happen.
    Love to all.
    God bless.

  6. RB, I hope your older brother is doing better, prayers.

  7. Thank you for your prayers.
    We are, of course, very worried because this is generally a terminal illness, but I believe in hope. <3
    God bless.


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