Monday, January 20, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday

Did you know you can freeze buttermilk?  I did not know this.  According to Food Network you can.  Pour it into ice cube trays, freeze, and store in freezer containers.  Organic buttermilk is hard to find, so I'll be keeping this on the to-do list.  It keeps up to 3 months.

I put a few hand crocheted "heart" bookmarks up on my "shop" blog.  

The grain free fruit and nut bars went quickly here.  I will be making more this week.  Very healthy too.  Gotta get those nuts and seeds in our diet one way or another.

Our weekend was pretty much a "stay in pajamas" kind of weekend.  I got a lot of crochet time in.  In fact, so much, my eyes need a break today.  

I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom today.  

The weather outside is. . . .
14°F (feels like 5°F)

On the breakfast plate . . .
I have no idea yet, but this is what my husband made me yesterday.  Mmmm!  So good.

How I am feeling this morning . . .
Tired.  I think I "sat" around too much over the weekend, ha ha!

On my mind . . .
Wondering if we'll get a winter getaway or not.

On my reading pile . . .
Still reading this.  My goal is to finish it in January.

On  my TV . . .
Movies from the library

On the menu . . .
Split pea/ham bone soup
Salmon patties or something with salmon
Tuna/noodle, mashed potatoes, veggie

From the camera . . .
My favorite pen has gone missing.  Urgh.  Kids!  Next trip to the "Big City" I'll have to see if I can find another one.  It's a Pentel pen, but the reviews on Amazon, say the new ones do not write like the older ones, so if I can't locate them in stores to try again, I'll be on the lookout for another favorite pen.  A writer always has a "favorite" pen to write with.

Looking around the house . . .
It's looking great these days!

Chore I am not looking forward to . . .
Cleaning the toilet.  

To relax this week I will . . .
Write.  I am really looking forward to this!

On the to-do list . . .
-clean master bath
-laundry (bedding is already washed and dried)
-sweep and mop kitchen
-work out (doing it later when the house warms up)
-bake a frittata for the next few days
-work in the utility room for a bit
-write up a list of what needs restocked for next year's craft show.  Now that I am down to one order I can get back to UFO's and restocking items for sale.

Prayers . . .
A family member on my husband's side - has MS, is in the hospital for a brain bleed and pneumonia, and continued prayers for Mom.

Prayer update:  On the missing 14 year-old.  They found his body inside a chimney of an abandoned house.  No foul play considered in his death.


  1. Thanks for stopping by! It was only 17F here this morning. It has warmed up to 27F now and the sun is shining!!!! So excited to see the sun :)


  2. oh my how tragic for the 14-year old.
    Great menu for the week.
    Have a great week

  3. Good morning!
    I had no idea about the buttermilk, that's so good to know.
    I love your bookmarks and will definitely order one for my Bible!
    Also, I love Joanne Fluke. My mother and in law and I read her books all the time.
    The story about the 14 year old was heartbreaking.
    Have a beautiful week.

  4. Hope you find your favorite pen! I like your notebook cover as well, very pretty. Will you go somewhere warm if you get that winter getaway? Hope you have a fantastic week!

  5. Collettakay, thankfully we are getting sun, but man it's cold.

  6. Thanks Joanna Unbehaun. The public wants the boys death investigated. So many unanswered questions.

  7. My favourite pen is a Pilot Varsity pen in black or blue. They are super hard to find here, they seem to only be online from Amazon, but still worth the money :-) I hope your pen shows up! Have a great week.

  8. New to your blog today through Happy Homemaker Monday posts. That breakfast plate looks mighty delicious! Enjoyed a beautifully warm day here in Arizona! Not missing the cold of the east where we moved from...Central New York. Have a great week.

  9. My goodness how tragic to read about the 14 year old. Hope you manage to locate your pen or find something suitable.

  10. Thanks Daydreams, I will be on the look out for that style of pen as well. Hopefully, mine will show up. I am missing two now.

  11. Simply Cornish, thanks for stopping in. I hope you enjoy my blog. Sounds like your weather is wonderful.

  12. mamasmercantile, the public is still asking questions about that poor boy's death. Thanks. I hope to find a suitable pen if I can't find them in stores. I know I had two around here, but the kids tend to borrow and not return.

  13. The fruit and nut bars look delicious! I made a double batch of my protein snack balls yesterday and we are so enjoying them! The whatever-it-is looks good, too! LOL! ;) Hope your pen turns up. My favorite pens are G2's. I keep the cases and order refills on Amazon. Blessings for a great rest of the week! <3

  14. Ugh... I hate when my pens disappear with the help of the kids. We're grain free too. The fruit and nut bars look great.

  15. I AM RUNNING SO LATE IT'S ALMOST TIME FOR NEXT WEEK! I hope yo had a GREAT week and the Joanne Fluke books are such fun reads.

  16. Thanks threesidesofcrazy, I love this author too.


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