Wednesday, January 22, 2020

From the handiwork journal ~ Mexican Street Corn ~ Herb Garden Question

. . .finished these keychains.  I found them in my night stand.  I just had to sew in ends and add the chains (UFO completed).

. . .finished this order of purple hot pads.  Just need to deliver them.

Here is a photo of the Mexican Street Corn I made.

I didn't "char" the corn completely, but it was very good with using thawed (off the cob) corn.  I am sort of looking forward to re-vamping my herb garden now.  The corn contains green onion and parsley.  Yum!  It was also the first time to try the mexican cheese the recipe required.

Yesterday I got smart and did all of my cooking and baking first thing.  Dish washing went much smoother.  I pulled the very last ham bone from the freezer, some split peas, the last bag of frozen garden carrots, a few celery cubs from the freezer, added diced potatoes and some fire powder (vs. onion) from the pantry - split pea/ham bone soup.

I also made biscuits for the first time, using almond flour.  I wanted something to go with the soup other than a sandwich, but low carb.  I found a recipe online, and used my home ground garlic, home ground onion, sour cream I pulled from the freezer and a bit of cheese (all organic).   I literally forgot to add the 4 Tbsp. of melted butter.  

I was a bit worried they browned too much, but they were so delicious.  Very moist biscuit, and very flavorful.  No need for butter.  I will be making these again.  Even without the butter.   

Herb Garden Make Over 2020

Question for herb gardeners - is there a resource to buy green onion bulbs with greens on them (online)?  Or just bulbs vs. seeds?  Organic of course.  I really do not want to start with seeds again.  My green onions I had, I had for 15 years plus, by someone sending me a handful in the mail wrapped in a damp paper towel, in a plastic bag.  T

They grew great and multiplied like crazy until last year.   I will be digging my herb garden out, layering black mesh and cardboard and filling it in with new soil (which means digging out the problematic rose bed across the sidewalk).


  1. Those keychains are cute and the hot pads are my favorite color. You are doing great at finishing some of those UFO's

  2. Thanks Carol, I think I have about 3 more UFO's to finish, but I'm working on another hot pad order (which is a good thing I guess).

  3. Biscuits sound good; recipe? Even without butter! Dya check our Johnny's Seed for onions? Will check our Farmers Bulletin next issue; might be some there for you.

  4. The food looks delicious! As far as the garden, I just plant from seed, but I wonder if it's possible to find some in the grocery store and plant them - they usually have a little bit of roots on them.

  5. Mother Em, I'll post the recipe for the biscuits. Thanks.

  6. Lady Locust, I will be checking our resource for garden plants this year. I know I will need to plant a lot to get it back to a good herb garden.

  7. Regarding the green onions - sounds like you had multiplier onions. A couple of posts back you mentioned freezing buttermilk as the organic is sometimes scarce. Do you use it mainly for baking? I use a fair bit of buttermilk for baking - muffins most every Saturday and Sunday morning (my guys are so spoiled!). I found that kefir works the same in baking as buttermilk - as far as working with baking soda and leavening. I started making kefir out of my own goat's milk but I make it even when the goats are dry (like now) with store-bought milk. It is so easy and once you have the kefir grains you can just keep it going. If you don't use it up timely and it gets too sour, chickens love it too.

  8. Debby, thanks. I had no idea kefir works too. I use it mostly for corn bread, waffles and pancakes.


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