Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Tuesday Tidbits ~ Less Stress Christmas ~ The Trees are Up!

I'm no longer a fan of homemade shampoo.  It was drying our hair out.  I found a chemical free/organic store brand at my grocery store (of all places) with argan oil in it and we love it.  It even comes with a seal on it.

I had purchased extra cookie ingredients for this Christmas, but now I won't be using them.  I may donate them to the kids.  There will be no buckeyes, sorghum candy, homemade toffee, cut outs, etc.  It's gonna be way less stress, but odd.  I will at least bake einkorn peanut butter cookies.  We are all about to weigh a lot less.  

Speaking of Christmas, I got all the trees up.  I do need more lights.  Five up  - 6 if you include my bathroom Christmas tree night night.  I also got some garland with lights up, and some decor.

I put up a battery operated "camper" string of lights on my Christmas quilt rack.  I just love it. It's not very long, but long enough for the quilt rack.  

Every year I unpack my snowmen, I am filled with love and they truly make me smile.  My Aunt sent them to me one year.  She is no longer with us, but she is here in spirit.


  1. Beautiful trees! I love my snowmen too! I always enjoy unwrapping them each year. I have many. I have the snowman in your last picture as well. My mom bought mine and I have him on my coffee bar.

  2. Carol, I love putting them all over the house, they are so cute.

  3. Holiday decorations do tend to bring up a lot of memories, don't they? I save my snowmen for winter decorating after Christmas.

  4. Mama Pea, that's a great idea. I may have to buy a special tote for storing them after that, lol!

  5. I pray you get to feeling better real soon. Seems many are facing winter-ish doldrums, medical challenges and such. I wonder why. I mean it's usual for those things to set in during winter, but it seems to me it usually happens more in January or February.
    We must turn our faces towards God and His light, and find happiness in His presence, I believe.
    God bless.

  6. Thanks RB, I've got all the lights on, it's that dark out today. Ugh.

  7. Lovely. And what a wonderful way to remember your Aunt!

  8. Holiday décorations are so cute!

  9. Love your tree....how many? I think you invented stress! LOL! Isn't on enough? Enjoy the reason for the season!


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