Monday, December 9, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday

Like a dork, I took a huge bag of crochet projects with me to the craft show last Saturday.  Guess what I did?  I forgot to bring a hook.  I had zero hooks and my afghan hook was still at home.  I had one "crochet emergency kit" in the truck (woohoo!), so I at least had an "H" hook to work on a lapghan.

Speaking of hooks, the ones that light up do not work well using cotton yarn.  To be honest, I like the neck lamp better than the light up hooks. I get more light that way.  However I used them to crochet dark yarn and they worked great too. Just an update.

We started with the coop repair Sunday morning, only to find out the damage was more extensive than we thought.  We'll be buying another roll of wire, and saving our pennies to build a new coop (out of the barn) next year. It's just time.  Chicken wire is not working out and we could use the barn space anyway.  We need to re-roof the barn next year if we want to keep the barn from deteriorating as well.  I was just tired of fighting predators and it's just time to build a more secure coop.

Speaking of chickens, "Cluck Norris" has passed on and into rooster heaven (sad face).  However, I am not lacking in roosters.  One lucky gent went from the rooster pen and in with the ladies.  I'll be giving him a name soon.

We cut wood for more than 3 hours, and only have one large chunk left to cut and split now.  I racked up 6000 steps just splitting and hauling wood.  Whew!    Oh our achy bodies....

I put more sets up for sale on my other blog.  All proceeds go to building us a new coop.  

Today I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The weather outside is . . . 
High of 52°F and raining.  Tomorrow the temps dip again.

On the breakfast plate . . .
Taco breakfast egg muffins.  
I just googled for a recipe, adjusted it with home canned zucchini salsa, organic beef and homemade taco mix, and organic cheese.  Next batch will have some sort of greens in them, but otherwise delicious.

As I look outside my window . . .
It's dark, cloudy and still raining.

Right now I am . . .
Starting the dishes and laundry

As I look around the house . . .
Oh my, I have to put the craft totes away, tidy up the living room and start a fire.

On the to-do list . . .
Make breakfast egg muffins
Clean out fridge
Install new drip bowls on stove top
Put trash out
Put Christmas tree up
Repair coop

On this week's to-do list . . .
-can applesauce
-put up Christmas decor
-clean up my bedroom (it's a total disaster of yarn)
-freeze homemade mushroom soup
-place online order for daughter's birthday gifts and Hubby's anniversary gifts

On the menu this week . . .
Have no clue

Currently reading . . . 
On the TV . . .
Movies from the library

What I am creating at the moment . . .
A headband/ear warmer that is an order I got, and one daughter's scarf.  Also, our youngest daughter asked me to whip up something to gift her two Cosmetology teachers.  I have a pattern for something cute.  Cross you fingers I get them made.

Favorite photo from the camera . . .
Yesterday's sunrise.

Prayers . . .
No special request at this time


  1. What a beautiful sunrise photo! You have lots going on over there. Hope you get a few minutes to relax here and there. Have a wonderful week!

  2. Sorry to hear that Cluck Norris passed. He put up a gallient fight. Sounds like you have a lot going on. Blessings for a wonderful week ahead!

  3. Thanks Rebecca, I feel like I'm the last person to get their Christmas trees up, ha ha!

  4. Taco breakfast egg muffins? hummm..
    What a funny name… Cluck Norris, too bad he passed.. but I must be honest and say I do NOT like roosters, had one when we were Young and he was the meanest thing!
    Have a great week

  5. Luludou, the egg muffins were delicious, but next time I'll add greens. I like the fact they don't have corn too. Next muffins will be a veggie one with mushrooms maybe.


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