Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Christmas ~ Nail Polish Bottle Ornament

Does anyone else feel like Christmas will be here way too quick and over with way too quick?  I feel like the clock is zipping by this year.  I love Christmas time too.  

Hubby's family arranged crafting weekends all month long, but all the crafts are items that go to the cemetery.  I'm just getting depressed from them all, so I'll be staying home and focusing on positive, mood boosting, happy stuff.  Not that I don't want to forget anyone, but it's been one long year and I'd rather move on and be happy as they'd want us to be.

Bad news has flowed into our lives again.  My mother has to see a doctor at Cleveland clinic regarding heart issues.  She's already had two surgeries, and one that is the most difficult and most serious to do.  Not what we all wanted to hear, but thankful that she asked the doctor to do a check, otherwise would have gone undetected.

What do you think?  Daughter wanted something cosmetology related for her teachers.  I just need to add the hanger and make one more.  It was not fun crocheting the black yarn.  It's been so dreary here and lighting is terrible even with light up hooks.  I used Hubby's head lamp, ha ha!

I got one order for a headband/ear warmer, so that was finished up yesterday.  I have to finish up a scarf for a gift next.

Our dreary weather is depressing me big time.  I need to go sniff an orange.  They say that works for that.  We were all three discussing how rotten of a dark day it was yesterday.  I don't remember winter being this dark.


  1. Pretty nail polish ornament. … quite depressing to make crafts for the cemetary.
    Have a good day

  2. Thanks Luludou, yes the cemetery crafting was depressing me. I need to focus on happy stuff, especially during these dark days.

  3. My daughter is living in a place that has long gray winters. I told her get "natural light" light bulbs - helps combat SAD. Well wishes for your mom.

  4. That nail polish ornament is flat-out wonderful! You are so creative! I don't blame you, Kristina. With so much sadness in your family this year, it is important to work towards happiness. They will always be in your heart. For some reason, I thought there was an extra week between now and Christmas. Ack!

  5. Sam I Am, I do have one of those lamps for "sunshine" light in my kitchen that we use all winter.

  6. Susan, thank you. Yeah, I looked at the weeks until Christmas too. Yikes.

  7. That nail polish ornament would be the perfect gift for a girly girl. Never have been nor wanted to be one of those. I can't remember the last time I had nails long enough to polish or wore nail polish. Wait, I do. I lied it was 2000 and I went to a literary banquet. Formal affair type. I actually won for a comedy piece I wrote. Glad the acrylic nails held up. (smile)

  8. The ornament is wonderful. You'd be hard pressed to find that in an ornament shop, I think. So it's going to be a blessing to those who receive it for whom it will have special meaning.
    What's getting me, I think, and perhaps others, is that as we've aged, so have other's needs for us, wanting to be with us, at CHRISTmas time and other times, etc. That's made CHRISTmas so short and so sad for me. But I will enjoy what's offered to me, knowing those that offered it didn't even need to do that, and I will be blessed by it.
    One thing we did when I visited family in PA was drive around to see CHRISTmas lights. Then I suggested making a game of it, like the old red car/blue car, where if you saw a lighted CHRISTmas tree WITHIN a house or building and called it first, you got a point. So, we started the game. We had so much fun with it, laughing so hard when someone would call one the same time we did. We decided we were having enough trouble keeping track of the whole points, so we'd just disregard the half points knowing we'd get all lost trying to keep track of them. It was so much fun, and now our niece up there who was driving us has started it with her own children... and a new family tradition is thusly born. What a blessing!!!
    Maybe try it with your own family.
    God bless.

  9. J.L.Murphey, I though of making some to sell next year. I bet young girls would love it too.

  10. This ornament is adorable and perfect for what she wants it for. I am dreading the first of the year as the dark and cold just depresses me so much. I am already making plans for spring.

  11. Carol we too are trying to make getaway plans in the new year.


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