Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Tuesday Tidbits

I'm up at 4am.  Can't sleep, so I'm gluing snowflakes/stars to the tops of a few wine cork Christmas trees and sipping hot coffee.  I've already let Romeo out, as he came to the gate and let me know (I think I woke him up).

Meanwhile, over the weekend, Daughter became more ill.  I made her sage tea, and homemade ginger ale.  She's congested and has a sore throat.  I also gave her a eucalyptus steam.  She slept a lot over the weekend too.

Sunday we needed wood cut, and it did not get done.  Instead, I pushed the start button on the dishwasher, and water was suddenly flooding the kitchen floor.  Hubby's attention was called to the situation, and he spent a while working on that.

All this time the problem wasn't the dishwasher falling apart by it's self.  A mouse chewed through all the rubber hose parts and water wasn't getting to the dishwasher or back to the drain.  Parts may cost up to $50.00.  I may have Hubby convinced to rip out the dishwasher and put in a cupboard with shelving for me.  We'll see what happens.  Until then, mouse traps are set.

I didn't get time to post Monday due to an early morning doctor appt.  It was the last follow up with my vascular doctor.  Between doctor appts for me, Hubby and Daughter, I nearly finished a set of pot holders in the waiting rooms.  Literally.

First, we left the house at 8am for my appt.  In and out, good check up, given the go to get back to lifting (even exercise).  Then out to breakfast and a run to the store before his appt.  

However while heading to the store, our youngest texted she wasn't feeling up to finishing the day at school.  I called the school, she met us in the "Big City" and we had her checked out at one of the urgent care centers.  

She wasn't diagnosed with a sinus infection, but given a nasal spray - hope it helps.

She drove on home, we went to Hubby's appt, then back to the store for medications.  Yep.  Ugh.

Hubby has always had problems with his blood pressure and blood sugar, and after his heart attack we really watched his intake of food choices.  Well, guess what?  He can't have any carbs now.  At his check up, blood pressure was perfect (I do have a tea on order to help get him off those, which by the way is just a small water pill), but his blood sugar was not.  It's going to be a  challenge for me even more - no tortilla for breakfast burrito, no pasta (very little), no bread etc.  Not sure I want to make dough today for Thanksgiving rolls.

I have looked, and Einkorn is half the carbs of regular flour, so I may be able to make homemade pizzas at home with home canned sauce and veggies.  I may have to order einkorn pasta to also allow a pasta dish here and there.

Looks like a millet skillet will be in the menu, as well as more veggie hash/egg breakfast meals.  

Anyway, we left at 8am and returned home at 4pm.  Long day, and where we got to visit with our 21 year-old how came out to do her laundry.

Sorry for the long post, hopefully, the next will be much shorter and more interesting.


  1. My husband is in the same boat as far as health. We believe he may be in the prediabeties stage. Last year he tried the keto diet and it was going great but there are some things that keto diet eaters can eat that diabetics cant.
    We have been changing some things. He has been incorporating more fruits, vegetables, and nuts and grains. We have been cutting out sugar . He cant eat any white rice or anything with rice flour. He can have brown and wild rice. I've been making some artisian bread with whole wheat flour. I'm going to experiment with rolls and buns using whole wheat. I'm trying to find desserts and treats he can have with no refined sugars. We are going to try whole wheat and spinach tortilla wraps for substitutes.

  2. Thanks for the idea using spinach/whole wheat wraps. I do make flourless brownies, but they have chocolate too. Ugh. Such a struggle, but working on it Tracy.

  3. Sleep is the best thing for the sick. I hate dishwashers. They waste so much water and it's not much trouble to wash dishes by hand. In fact, I get David to help me and we talk while washing and drying dishes.
    I also have a problem with my husband, David. He has high blood sugar and sometimes he's good about sticking to his diet but I do have to harp on him to make better choices. I always tell our doctor to get on him about his diet and he does the yelling for me. David will listen to him.
    Also, no your blog post was not that long. I've seen worse postings where the content was totally stupid. Yours wasn't.

  4. Jovial (brand name) puts out a 100% organic einkorn whole wheat spaghetti pasta that is good. You might want to try that in pasta dishes for your hubby. They also have other varieties of pastas.

  5. Thank you Leanna, I'm glad my post was interesting and hopefully I'll get some meal ideas from all of you smart blog-friends.

  6. Thanks Mama Pea, I'm looking at it now, and will get my order in ASAP. I know our grocer is teamed up to sell some Jovial items, but they don't have the pasta yet.


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