Wednesday, November 27, 2019

This and That

Wednesday required more running around, which I am getting so tired of.  I just want to stay home for an entire day.

Breakfast - sweet potato hash with eggs, chives, oregano and basil (bell peppers, onion, jalapeno, and garlic too).

It ended up more like mashed sweet potatoes, because Hubby was helping and put a lid on them (instead of crisping them), but it was still very good and healthy.  I topped it with chives.

I had to start putting away all my crafting supplies, but made one more wine cork tree.  It was a pain to put everything away just for a meal, as my 2nd kitchen table is my "craft" work station (I do not have a craft room here).  The other table only seats 4 people.

I made the roll dough for the upcoming holiday, but will freeze what's left over to minimize carb intake at any meal now.  Thank goodness I picked sweet potatoes over mashed potatoes from the get-go.

As the holidays creep in, I can't stop thinking about Jesse and how he's doing (or the older two girls).  I haven't heard from either since that daughter moved completely back out and took Jesse with her.  I can't get myself to change my blog header and take Jesse's picture off and put Romeo's up.  In time...

The two stray young cats are still around.  I have temporarily named them until we can trap them, see what's what and friend them enough to get them both fixed.  We believe Aurora is getting up in age, and we could use barn cats.

Today's list is too long, and I will remember it well next year when Hubby volunteers me (all by myself) for an entire meal.  He will be remembering this.  He won't be here to help as he insisted he would and our daughter is still feeling sick.  Now I have the sniffles and congestion.  Just lovely.  I'm about to tell them it's off, but we'll see what happens.

I have to make several dishes today and reheat tomorrow, putting a few more dishes (that Hubby cannot eat) into the oven tomorrow, and starting some veggies in crock pots.

The weather is awful - extreme wind and rain.  They say it'll stop by noon, but we'll see.  I pray you are all getting help with the preparation of the Thanksgiving meal, and that you are all healthy as well.   I'll be re-writing our menu for next year.

Everything is something Hubby cannot eat - cheesy potatoes, glazed carrots (sugar), BBQ green beans (Sodium), corn casserole (carbs, sugar), rolls (sugar, carbs), even sweet potato casserole has brown sugar.  I'll be back to making roasted brussel sprouts and other healthier sides like roasted or baked sweet potatoes.  It'll be a challenge for sure.  I'll be spending snow days trying out whole wheat roll recipes too.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.  I most likely won't get a post in tomorrow, but know that I'm wishing you all a happy holiday!

...finished a set of yellow pot holders.

I have ordered  Cassia cinnamon sticks to make Rosemary Gladstar's  tincture to help lower blood sugar for Hubby.  I also picked up steel cut oats for breakfast meals (oats help lower blood sugar).

Our weather is going to go from almost 60°F yesterday and sunny, to extreme wind and rain.  They are even saying traveling will be difficult, and we have our one daughter, her husband and the grand kids coming tomorrow.


  1. Oh My! That sweet potato hash looked so wonderful. I bet it was so tasty. I made some really healthy choices for my husband David for tomorrow. We are having baked sweet potato, carrot medallions, cranberry sauce that I made last night with cranberries, orange zest and a tablespoon of sugar. I checked it this morning and wanted to put a bit of it on my toast but I didn't. It's so good. We bought a small ham from the Honey Baked Ham store and I took it apart and put most of it in Food Saver freezer bags to serve for later dinners. I plan on making a lot of cabbage dishes with it. It will last for a month if frozen. Money well spent. You have a wonderful Thanksgiving and stay safe and warm.

  2. Leanna, your food sounds soo good, and thanks for giving me more ideas for future meals too.

  3. I will be doing dinner by myself as well. Everyone will be here to eat, but not to help. Go figure!

  4. Our daughter is making more than half the meal for tomorrow and, boy howdy, does that feel good and take a lot of pressure off of me. Unfortunately, very few people who don't cook realize how very difficult it is to put on a big meal like everyone wants for Thanksgiving. It's not just the prep (which can take a couple of days . . . arrrgh) but the engineering to get it all out of the oven/off the stove at the same time and onto the table while still hot/warm.

    I grew up in a big extended family and although my mom always had Thanksgiving at our house, there were at least three or four of my aunts aunts in the kitchen with her managing it all. I know I will appreciate all my daughter does here tomorrow.

    Happy Thanksgiving and hope you can keep it low-key since you'll be doing it all yourself. It's a big job!

  5. Carol, I hope you get help cleaning it up. It stinks for sure.

  6. Thanks Mama Pea, when our daughter woke up (still sick), and Hubby was at another doc appt. she said to me, "you know it should be the entire family here cooking and cleaning together." Bless her heart.


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