Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Tuesday Tidbits

While we are getting things checked off the to-do list, one thing remains - chimney sweep.  They called and canceled on me.  They guy called in sick.  They later called back and rescheduled me for Saturday, so any Saturday afternoon plans are now off the books.

We got new solar lights on our driveway poles have been installed.  I also put two reflector poles near the new trees we planted, so plowing won't destroy them this winter.  I got my garden house unscrewed from the outside spigot, but still need to put it away.  Today, I'm taking down my shower curtain and liner and washing them both.

It was cloudy yesterday, but windy.  Although I am down to two clotheslines (we took the 3rd one down), I crammed it all on including bedding.

While laundry was getting washed and put on the line, I delegated some chores to Hubby and Youngest.  They now have their own to-do list, and it frees me up and less stressed.

Since Plan A didn't pan out, Plan B went into place.  I tackled the hot peppers.

I used a new recipe for the hot pepper jam.  I was a bit concerned it would not set up thick.  We did a taste test.  I put all hot peppers in, with the seeds, including habanero.  It was amazing.  Hot for once.  It wasn't as thick as I would like it, but a nice spread for cream cheese and crackers.

I decided to drop all remaining hot peppers into my food processor and dehydrate them for "fire powder."  It was much faster than slicing to dehydrate.

After doing dishes again, I called it "quits" and brewed me a gallon of home brewed iced tea, and knitted for an hour.


  1. Thanks laurie, I did get a lot done. Here's hoping I can get more done today too.

  2. What a lovely jam! I do not like hot so I know that I would not eat it, but it looks wonderful! It does sound as though you had quite a productive day. I hope to today.

  3. Wow! You're as busy as I was last week. But you have to stay ahead of the weather when winter is coming.
    I found a recipe for Chinese Chili oil on Youtube. It's great stuff. I like to add it to all my Chinese and Tex-Mex cooking.

  4. Nice full day. Bet everyone sleep well.

  5. Wow you had a very goodd day, wish I could hang clothes outside, not allowed here. I still have done nothing with my peppers, maybe tonight after school is done with the grands. Have a blessed day!

  6. Thanks Carol, we love hot peppers, and we gifted a jar back to the guy who gave me the peppers too. It is basically just good on cream cheese and crackers, but so good.

  7. Thanks Goatldi, we are sleeping well, lol!

  8. Thanks Pat, I love having a clothesline. Our electric is sky high. However, the company got in trouble recently, and our bills have been lower. Winter however, will be telling us how low they will be. I have to run the electric heat when the temps drop below zero.

  9. Sounds like you had a very productive and balanced day! Isn't that a great feeling? Have another one tomorrow...on me! LOL!

  10. Thanks Sam I Am, I did have another productive day, now here's hoping for getting some outdoor stuff done.

  11. Not sure I could stomach all those hot Peppers, but they do look amazineg, and the tea and knitting finishes off the day perfectly

  12. Thanks Luludou, you either like hot peppers or you don't. We love them, but just not too hot.


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