Monday, November 4, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday

Fall bug patrol.
(photo taken before all the rain dumped on us)

November is National Novel Writing Month, where writers are challenged to write 50,000 words in the month of November.  It's been a few years since I participated in this, but I think it's a good year to join again.  I need to brush up on my writing skills.  Although my laptop has gone to laptop heaven, I can still use our desktop or even a pen and paper.

There is another challenge going on, via a website called B hooked.  A challenge to crochet men's gloves and a hat for those in need (Warm Up America).  In the past, I've donated boxes of crocheted scarves to homeless projects.  Just sharing for those who have the time to help out. 

Saturday, our youngest daughter set up a surprise birthday party at our house, for her boyfriend and his friends.  Hubby, who said he'd clean clean, grill and organize, left us high and dry.  He left to make a trip 2 hours to see our SIL.  I was running around like a chicken with her head cut off.  He truly put me in a tizzy.  There were towels to fold and put away, dishes to do, carpets to vacuum, all my crafting supplies on a kitchen table had to be put away, etc.  I could have grilled as originally planned, but took the back up plan to save my hectic day - crock pot chili.

Then....Hubby showed up just before half the football team showed up, and with hot dogs and burgers.  They were fed those as well as chili, and then went out for ice cream.

By the way, the party was poorly planned and with lack of communication.  I was out shopping Saturday morning.  Again.  I didn't get to do a darn thing for myself.

Sunday morning we were back out shopping.  Sigh.  I forgot to pick up chicken feed.  We also picked up a fireplace flooring piece for just $25 to put in front of our wood stove.  We've had a fireproof rug, but now it's much safer.  We got a start on the deconstruction (completed about 80% of it) of the front porch so we could do this....

Wood cutting and splitting was started.  Yay!  We got a good amount of kindling cut and some beams.  Now we have to get the chainsaw blade sharpened to continue.

The coyotes are back.  I heard a large group of them out in the woods over the weekend.

Household Tip: 
Buy reusable bags for gift bags.
They are cheaper, and more resourceful.  Paper gift bags get tossed, but not reusable bags.  They are as low as $.98/each in our area.  I found these red/white and blue ones.  I need two more of these bags.  I'm now putting together a "Christmas Eve" bag for the grand-kids (more on that later).

I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom

On the Breakfast plate . . .
Not sure what I'll eat this morning, but this is what I had over the weekend.  Hubby's famous omelets with homegrown green peppers, homemade English muffins with home canned strawberry margarita jam and organic coffee.

As I look outside my window . . .
It's pitch dark - 5:22am.

Right now I am . . .
Writing up the Thanksgiving Day meal plan.  I have another gathering the next day too.  I will need Hubby's and Youngest's help, but it'll be an evening dinner, so that helps.  Our 20 year-old will have to work Thanksgiving day, but has the evening off, and for the first time, has all day Christmas day off.

Looking around the house . . .
I have to do dishes before the chimney guys show up.  Daughter left the kitchen a mess from her party (grr!).

On the to-do list . . .
-Dinner Prep
-clean off hearth, chimney sweep arrives today thankfully
-clean the rest of the front porch
-Take stuff to Goodwill
-Stop at the furniture resale store and take a look-see
-work on removing nails from barn boards for more kindling

On the menu . . .
-Chili, cornbread
-PB and J
-Chicken enchiladas, homemade enchilada sauce, Spanish rice
-Flounder, home canned corn salsa, steamed broccoli, baked potatoes

-Hot Taco Dip

Currently reading . . .


On the TV . . .
Movies from the library

What I am creating . . .
A few "thank you" gifts.  Our 20 year-old daughter is visiting often to help clean when needed, babysits Romeo, and is taking an interest in learning to cook/bake more with me.  I will surprise her the next time she comes over.  I'm making up some small, fun packages, including useful items a broke young adult could use.

I'm also crocheting some items.  I may have a handiwork post soon.

New Recipe I tried or want to try . . . 
Hot Taco Dip (trying it out for potlucks)

Favorite photo from the camera . . .

Prayers . . .
Our SIL (he's still in the hospital), myself (leg), a friend's mother, and other personal requests


  1. If your daughter planned this surprise party, why was she not actively discussing plans with you and why is she not the one cleaning up? I hate that our families take advantage of us like that. I can't believe your hubby did not tell you that he was leaving before you made plans for him to cook. UGh!!!
    I understand never having time for yourself.

  2. Carol, there was a lack of communication since she was talking to her Dad and no one telling me what was going on. I am making her a list of chores since she left my kitchen a total mess.

  3. I would not allow my children to throw parties for their friends at my home. Do they have the money to pay for it? Are they doing the work? I certainly wouldn't blame others....who's the adult here? Sorry but you walked right into that one! LOL!

  4. Sam I Am, these are seniors in high school. I think she learned her lesson. She's getting PB & J for dinner. I'm not cooking after all that cleaning, lol!

  5. I purchased my first Christmas present over the weekend. Ugh on your hubs leaving you high and dry for that party. Hope your week is a good one!

  6. I'm hoping you can get some rest this week after all the happenings over the weekend. You are always so busy! Great idea to show the kids how to bake and all.
    Have a great week

  7. I enjoyed reading your post but I'm sorry about the lack of planning regarding the party - you ended up doing all the work!

    That's a cutie with the stuffed toy!

  8. Kristina, When I was an author, I saw little sense in joining the Nano because I could write that much inside of two weeks and complete the first edit by the end of the month. But then, I was always prepared with a fabulous character study, timeline, and fleshed out outline too. I used to write three to six full novels a year plus a nonfiction. But then, Nano is for novice authors too and I had a twenty-odd year publishing history behind me(both traditional and self publishing).

    Wait a minute. Your daughter threw her boyfriend a surprise party at your house and you are running around in a tizzy cleaning and cooking...what did she do? And then, left the mess for you to clean up??!!! Miscommunication or not, I'd be jerking that girl by the ear and have a serious talking to her. My girls never got away with that!

    I'm praying for healing for your leg and your SIL's health concerns too.

  9. Thank you J.L. Murphey, her boyfriend came over last night to help clean up.

  10. Enjoyed reading your post, Kristina. I love the idea of reusable gift bags! Great idea!!! I am praying over your prayer requests and I hope you're getting acquainted with and enjoying your new planner! Blessings! <3

  11. Thank you Rebecca, so glad you are enjoying my post.

  12. I'm so sorry about the surprise party and the fact you got stuck cleaning it all. Our kids have a way of doing things, even in their twenties, that sometimes leave us scratching our heads, don't they? lol

    Love the photo, what a cutie.

    Hope you're having a good week so far.

  13. Thanks Sandra, I am getting a lot done this week. I just hope the chimney sweep shows up this weekend. It's gonna get cold.

  14. I'm running sooooo late this week, forgive me. I enjoyed reading your post - sorry you had such an ordeal with the party. I hope you had a great week and I'll be back tomorrow!


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