Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Teabag Tidbits

By 1:30pm, the wind chill was 41°F but man it felt so much colder even with the sunshine.  

I took Romeo out about 2:30pm and this gal was in the yard.

Romeo just stopped and sniffed the air, and was like "what the heck is that?"

Seeing all the beautiful colors of fall leaves, reminds me of my one Aunt.  We'd hand write letters and I do miss that so much, and I'd save leaves and press them and mail them to her in FL.  She missed the fall leaves.  We had so much fun exchanging letters.  

Christmas card idea?  He he!  I love my Christmas socks, but with my size 11 feet, I have to buy men's Christmas socks (pair on the right, which fit much better).

We are getting winter weather too quickly.  I had a lot on my plate with dinner prep, so I wasn't sure I'd get out to the garden.  Here's what got done . . .

✔Laundry on the line

✔Blanched organic spinach for the freezer.  Winter food prep.
✔Blanched organic swiss chard for the freezer
✔Folded all the towels that were on the line the day before
✔More jalapenos made it to the freezer
✔Homemade enchilada sauce made early (double batch)
✔Dishes washed, dried, put away

✔Gladiolus bulbs dug up (finally)
✔Put a kitchen crochet set up for sale (see Rooster's Crow Farm blogspot to view it)  It literally sold as fast as I put it up, and they ordered a second set, so I'm busy starting that order now.
*Had returns and pick ups at our local library.  Still on my list.
✔Baked a green tomato cake (and have more green tomatoes to use up)
✔Vacuumed some carpets

I got a call from my surgeon.  My procedure is scheduled for next week, but it's pending.  I have to have someone drive me home, so I'm working on that.  Oh, and I will not have to be put under.  They just have to do it in the OR, but it's a local for the procedure thankfully.  Crossing my fingers I can locate someone to take me there and home.  

Last night I made chicken enchiladas with homemade sauce, spanish rice and hot taco dip.  I forgot to take a picture but the dip was amazing for such little ingredients.  I'll share the recipe soon.


  1. You sure are working on winterizing the home! Wishing you luck for the procedure and hope you find someone to drive you home.

  2. Thanks Luludou. Not too many people, or family wants to drive way out to my place. I sure hope I find someone.

  3. I miss handwritten letters and the leaves made me smile. I just felt so peaceful reading your blgpost. I hope you can find someone to help you out with driving.

  4. With your large family I am sure there must be someone who can take the time to take you to the hospital and back. With all you do for your family I would demand it!
    You got a lot done today! Good for you!

  5. Thanks Sam I Am, unfortunately, my two older adult daughters do not speak to us anymore (in that millennial group of entitlement).

  6. Thanks Pat, when my Aunt and I wrote, we both did not use facebook (probably the only ones), and we had flip phones. I sure hope I can hitch a ride.


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