Monday, December 2, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday

Tuesday, our daughter received her recognition award for Student of the Month for her school, in all of our county.  Her grade point average is 4.111.

Wednesday, I had to make the stuffing, sweet potatoes, dessert, pie (yes I made them for other guests, but with little sugar), bake the turkey, ham and rolls.  I got everything done but the turkey, and baked that Thursday morning, along with 4 other veggie side dishes.  I put up my outside Christmas lights, which are minimal, but pretty and noticeable (no roof or ladder climbing).

Friday we had our 2nd Thanksgiving, and Saturday our 3rd, where I got to taste my first heated cider with a shot of salted carmel vodka.  We watched the Buckeyes win, and headed home to relax.

Sunday, Dec.1st rolled in with thunder and lightning.  A wintery-mix headed in with it.  We cut wood until the rain arrived again.

I can't believe my Mom saved this, and one of my brother's displays it at Christmas.  I made this way back in elementary school, ha ha!  It's a pringles can Santa.

Question:  Does anyone have a homemade whole wheat bread recipe?  Also, does anyone have a good homemade whole wheat roll recipe?  Thanks!  Or even a book title to check out of our library as well?  I'm going to try some recipes from Jovial's website.

Today I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom

The weather outside is . . .
Raining.  Again.  High of 36°F.

On the breakfast plate . . . 
Sweet potato scramble eaten with a fork for some, and for others in a spinach wrap (until I can make some tortillas using Einkorn flour), organic black coffee

As I look outside my window . . .
It's cloudy and dreary looking.

Right now I am . . .
Looking around on the internet to make plans for our 21st Anniversary this month.  Not sure I want to prepay a hotel, because if road are bad, considering it is winter now.  

As I look around the house . . .
I have 3 crock pots that need put away, and some tidying up to do.

On the to-do list . . .
make a breakfast scramble with greens

On this week's to-do list . . .
Finish up last minute projects for the craft show
Returns and pick-ups at the library
Cut wood

On the menu . . .
Leftovers...have no idea yet.  Now that I have to revamp and leave carbs and sugar out mostly, it'll be a bit different.  I am ordering some Jovial pasta this week.

Currently reading . . .
Nothing.  Too busy getting the craft show items ready

On the TV . . .
Movies on Netflix or from the library.

What I am creating . . .

Dish scrubbies and a set of boot cuffs.  I also started another set of hot pads.

New recipe I tried or want to try . . . .

I tried Pumpkin Cheesecake Bars.  The grandkids LOVED it.  It was time consuming, but so good and light (not like a thick cheesecake). 

Favorite photo from the camera . . .
My new kitchen night light.  

Prayers . . .
Prayers for my friend's mother.  She passed away last week. She broke her foot while in the nursing home, was sent to a medical clinic where she was on life support.   My mother - she fell and has lots of pain and one very big bruise.


  1. Hello, Kristina! I am sharing some links here to my favorite wheat bread recipes and you should be able to cut and paste them...I think...into your browser and get to them. If not just google them and you should be able to find them.

    NOTE: I only use Prairie Gold wheat flour from Wheat Montana. It is THE best and does not have a grainy texture like so many of the wheat flours.

    RUSTIC OAT AND WHEAT (our favorite and most made)



    Have a great week ahead! <3

  2. I will try to remember to pull out my little bread book when I get home & let you know the title etc. I have 2 (both quite small) that everything I've made is good. I love those kinds of cookbooks.
    PS Big prayers!

  3. I don't do pumpkin cheesecake bars or I'd eat them all. I do mini cheesecake cups in my muffin pan though.

    It's amazing what mom's keep. In the past,keeping with holiday traditions we make a dozen new ornaments. I keep one and the rest go home with family members that created them for their own trees. Decorating the house was a family tradition also. The guys did the outside while us women folk decorated the inside and baked goodies with the younger children.

    Each year on the Saturday after the 13th (my daughter's birthday was on the 13th so we waited until after), we'd gather together for a decorating party. We'd break for dinner and afterwards we'd decorate the tree. We'd break out the boxes of ornaments. Each ornament had a story behind it...made it in school, this was my first ornament I ever made, this was great-great grandmother's ornament from Ireland & Germany, etc. Each person recited their memory as they hung it on the tree.The youngest child hung their special ornament from their birth year and the new ornament that we'd made on my tree. All while sipping hot chocolate and munching on the cookies we made. Decorating the tree was almost as special as Christmas or Christmas Eve Feast I prepared. I eventually had to add another tree because with 4 children and 10 grandchildren one tree wasn't big enough.

    When I moved up to the North GA mountains and the children moved away to various parts of the country, I divested all my precious ornaments I'd gathered over the years to each of my children. They carry on this traditions on their own trees and children and now with a my new great-grandchild.

    Cockeyed Jo

  4. That's a lot of good food and lots of Thanksgivings. AND cooking for you. I'm tired just reading your post. Hope you have a nice, relaxing week for this one!

  5. Cockeyed Jo, I would love to do a decorating party, but with my kids all working jobs, it's hard to get everyone together anymore.

  6. Seems like you had a great Thanksgiving… 3 times!
    Congrats to your daughter.

    Have a great week

  7. What a FULL and Blessed week you had! I hope this one is GREAT too!

  8. That pringle santa is cute!! I have on my list to make... kitchen dishcloths, I need to get them pushed up to the top. Have a great week!

  9. Thanks Jodi, I can't believe my family has saved that Santa.

  10. Kristina,
    All my children and a couple of grandchildren had jobs, but they requested that day off or traded with someone. Their attendance was required. LOL Christmas Eve dinner was another night I demanded because we also exchanged gifts to each other that night. The only one who didn't need an excuse was one daughter who is a hospice nurse. She was really attached to her patients and families. I didn't demand much of my grown children, but this is the exception.


I apologize for having to monitor the comments, but I have gotten too many spam comments. I do appreciate all of your comments, and welcome them.