Saturday, November 9, 2019

This and That

I made a trip to the library.  I picked up some much needed entertainment.  Who needs cable when you have the library for free?

My nightstand got the next "extreme clean" done.  I do need to make a trip to the antique store soon.  I use large antique tea towels to cover our nightstands and need Christmas ones.  They are hard to find at a good price.

I have collected some homemade Christmas gift ideas.  I just have to decide on which ones to make.

Homemade hot cocoa is made.  Just in time for this cold weather.

I also got 6 pie crust "crumbles" into the freezer.  Just in time for the up coming holidays.  It looks like cheese, but it's the butter that goes in it.  I use King Flour's recipe online.  Tip:  I chuck the butter, put it in the freezer, then pulse it with a bit of the flour in my food processor.  It makes the process much easier and faster.


  1. Good ideas all around. I don’t what Christmas will hold now that I am living within shouting distance so to speak of both my children. But Thanksgiving my little log home will greet kids , grandkids, sister and husband And my late Father’s long time lady friend.

    Feeling blessed.

  2. I'm intrigued with your nightstand, have you shown a photo of it before on your blog? Would love to see how you use the tea towels :)

  3. Thanks Goatldi, I have no idea who is hosting Christmas this year. Last year I did, for Hubby's family's side. We crammed about 50 people in our house.

  4. Thanks Sandra, I don't think I have, but if I find new Christmas ones, I'll take a photo and share.


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