Monday, November 11, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday

Saturday morning we cut this tree down.  We got about 1/4 of the pieces split and stacked.  The chimney guys came, and we now have a clean stove, and new gasket in our door.

We took a few hours off to watch the Ohio State game and rejuvenate with some hot tea.  By dinner time we were a moanin' and groanin' - used muscles we hadn't used in a while.

Sunday we were back at it, but first finally put the air conditioner in storage.

Today I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom

I'm up at 5am.

The weather outside . . .
It's 36°F and snow is expected to start falling around 7am.  We'll dip into the single digits tomorrow.

On the breakfast plate. . .
Most likely eggs and toast and organic coffee

As I look outside my window. . .
Pitch black.  I'm typically up very early to start the day.

Right now I am . . .
Stoking the fire in the wood stove.  We started our first fire last night.

As I look around the house . . .
I have dishes to put away, and I need to do regular tidying up.

On the to-do list . . .
-clean master bathroom
-sweep and mop kitchen
-purge coffee cups (have too many, will look for a church to donate to)
-finish cleaning up hallway with boot stand
-make another run to the library
-make a breakfast for the next 2-3 days

On the Menu . . .
-Homemade chicken Pot Pie
-Slow Cooker Cauliflower Chowder
-Fried chicken, mashed potatoes, corn
-Pulled Pork Nachos

Currently reading . . .

On the TV this week . . .
Hallmark movies from the library - watched "The Christmas Cure" and "The Christmas Note."  The first was predictable, but the second was wonderful (the kid had me in stitches most of the movie, and this one made both of us cry).

What I am creating . . .
Still working on a set of pot holders and matching dishcloth

New recipe I tried or want to try . . .
Homemade chicken pot pie.  Maybe a new pie for Thanksgiving.  Mushroom wild rice casserole (Simply Scratch).  Speaking of Simply Scratch, I love her recipes, but hate the advertisements on her site.  It's so aggravating, she's got that many on her site. 

Favorite photo from the camera . . .

Prayers . . .
SIL is doing much better and is at home, a friend's mother is in the nursing home in recovery, and myself (leg procedure is tomorrow, please say a prayer, send up good mojo, good vibes.  Roads may be slick and my 20 year-old daughter is driving me).


  1. My husband worked on wood over the weekend as well. I did a little bit too, but I was busy with plenty to do other than that.

  2. Carol, we need much more, so I'm hoping the snow doesn't last. We still have half of that tree to cut up and get out of the yard.

  3. Thank you J.L. Murphey. I'm hoping they snow plows will have the roads cleared up to get there too. I live in the country boonies.

  4. I pray your leg procedure goes fine and you heal fast! It;s a good feeling to get things done that have been on the list for awhile! Good for you guys.

  5. I can't quite bring myself to watch Christmas movies yet. Love the sunset pic! Have a great week!

  6. Glad to hear your SIL & MIL are doing a bit better. Praying for you for sure.
    Headed north for Thanksgiving, to Erie, PA for 2 weeks. Made arrangements for it in August, but now it's good I'm going because oldest brother has been diagnosed with liver and colon cancer for which we could use special prayer. His wife works 60 hours a week for the Census Bureau, their grown son was just sentenced to 90 days in jail for DWI and a year of house arrest afterward because this is his second offense and they have shared custody of his 5 or 6 year old daughter too. So we could sure use some prayer for them.
    Hope everyone has a great week, and a safe one too.
    Love you.
    God bless.

  7. Thanks RB, will be praying for your family as well.

  8. I've seen those movies and agree with you on them. Stay safe on the roads and hope the procedure goes well.
    You are Always busy.. just like us… I Wonder sometimes how people have the time to just relax all weekend, seems we Always have Something to do.

  9. Praying over the procedure done on your leg. How did it go? Your menus look great and the bark on that tree looks exactly what I was looking for the bark owls that the children will be making at next week's library program. I had a hard time finding what I needed. I should have just headed over to your place! LOL! Hope you're well! Blessings! :)

  10. That tree will give you a lot of warmth!

  11. Luludou, I agree, it's work on the weekends for us most of the time, since my husband works full time. We are partners with wood cutting, so it's when he's off work.

  12. Rebecca, I've posted an update today and thank you. Yes, there was much bark on that tree.

  13. Rain, I'm hoping what we did cut up will last a few weeks, but if not we'll call in reinforcements.


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