Friday, November 8, 2019

Hot Taco Dip

(So good, I forgot to take a photo until it was almost gone)

1 can organic black refried beans
8 oz. organic cream cheese (or homemade)
8 oz. organic sour cream (or homemade)
2 Tbsp. homemade dry taco seasoning mix.  (or one packet from the store)

Mix all ingredients, spread into a baking dish, top with about 1 1/4 cups of shredded organic cheese of our choice, and bake at 375°F for 20 minutes. 

Dip organic tortilla chips into the dip and enjoy!  I'll be doubling this next time.  


  1. Oh, I'll be making this for sure! I have my own homemade taco seasoning too. Thank you! It will be great while I'm listening to or watching the Iowa game Saturday! Go Hawks! LOL!

  2. Sounds delicious! I love Mexican food as long as it is not too spicy!

  3. laurie, you are welcome, we fought over this, ha ha! So good!

  4. Sam I Am, that's great you make the taco seasoning too. I think it taste so much better than store bought.

  5. Carol, this is so good. Hope you enjoy it.

  6. I make something similar, but I add corn and yellow rice to mine. Remember, beans and rice forms a complete amino acid chain (aka protein). Sometimes I'll add sliced black olive to the mix and canned chilies or my version of Rotele tomatoes and chilies for a spicier kick.

  7. J.L. Murphey, thanks for the reminder, that is a good idea.


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